Carl & Naomi Z@hari. The last I heard, Carl was the head of the video department at Patterson. Traveled the world doing the videos and such. I grew up around his wife Naomi(whose parents are in the same hall as mine in Fairfield, IA).
JoinedPosts by Jourles
BETHELITES - Whatever Became of?
by Black Man ini often times wonder what happened to certain bethelites that i ran around with during my 1990s tenure there.
while there are still a few left there, the greater majority of them aren't there for various reasons (marriage, disillusionment, left the borg, etc).
a couple of cats i wonder about - there was one brother who i believe was from kansas, who got his fingers cut off in a printing press.
You know something I'll never understand...
by RisingEagle inis just how deep the witlings manage to get their carp into the minds of people.
let me clarify that.
with my active relatives i understand the brainwashing, because they continuously feed on the pap from the book publishing company.
Sorry, I don't have much to say except I found the description of the Marlboro pretty funny!
A gradual decline or sudden collapse for the WTS?
by DT inmany of us believe the days of the watchower society may be numbered.
they are receiving an unprecedented amount of well deserved negative publicity.
however, they are still experiencing modest growth.
However, they are still experiencing modest growth.
Without anything to back my assertion up, I would still venture a guess and say that over 80-85% of that growth is internally related. In other words, minors of jw parents. I mean, c'mon, how many actually get baptized from being pulled in through field service? Whenever people on this board report back from assemblies, most mention that the majority of those getting baptized are young people. Yeah, right. Young people who have no ties to the jws are coming into the org on their own.
This is the growth we are seeing right now. And as time goes on and the more families become reliant on the internet for everyday activities, these pre-baptized jw youth will start researching things on their own. Family and peer pressure to get baptized will not phase them as much. Because once they see they can still keep their friends and family withoutgetting dunked, why bother? Why commit? The wts has to see this. If I were them, I would come up with a new doctrine explicitly tying baptism with salvation - even if you die before armageddon. Forget this wishy-washy "jehovah is the judge" crap. Because the way most are starting to see it, if they feel armageddon won't come within their lifetime, what is the incentive to commit themselves to the wts? THERE IS NO INCENTIVE. Hence, they need to change this doctrine pronto to keep the numbers up and to keep the flock scared of losing their salvation even if their sins get washed away at death.
Today's Boston Tea Party event DEC 16 - MONEY BOMB!
by What-A-Coincidence inthis may be the single defining moment in all of our lives.
give it every resource you have.
do not live past this election with regret.
WAC pm'd me to say he was out of posts. I just had to reply:
It's because you're one of those damn RP spammers!! Ya damn Paulbot!
Let's see....hmm, it seems I have 69 posts left that I can use.
Remember WAC -- quality, not quantity. LOL!
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
LOL! No problem. Maybe he'll talk about democracy in action in Saudi Arabia instead...
Yay for Ron Paul! Over $6M in one day. And $6M over his goal of $12M for the quarter(and it's not over with yet!). I can't wait to see how the media outlets are going to react to this moneybomb. For those who still think RP is a joke and has no chance of winning, $18M in donations from regular joes says something you just can't ignore - RP is for real.
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
nvrgnbk - DOH!! Why did you post that? I was going to use that as my next ace-up-my-sleeve whenever a christian got around to posting again on Afghanistan.
You're supposed to bait the prey and then trap them...
Today's Boston Tea Party event DEC 16 - MONEY BOMB!
by What-A-Coincidence inthis may be the single defining moment in all of our lives.
give it every resource you have.
do not live past this election with regret.
Looks like a 1 day record - $6M and change. His site is getting HAMMERED right now. It takes forever for the main page to load.
Today's Boston Tea Party event DEC 16 - MONEY BOMB!
by What-A-Coincidence inthis may be the single defining moment in all of our lives.
give it every resource you have.
do not live past this election with regret.
I'm making my donation here in just a few. I'm wondering if some folks are waiting also to make a huge spike in the graph below just before midnight... (~$5.8 million so far at time of posting with half an hour to go)
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
As I mentioned, there was no need to answer the question. But since you brought it up...
Maybe because America has only been involved in spreading freedom around the world, not dominating the world in some destructive way.
I can only highlight so much in that quote above. In essence, you just answered the wrong question. Now the question is -- Do I begin to start listing unconstitutional invasions of sovereign nations, CIA overthrows, etc etc etc? Does it make it more right to "spread freedom" with the barrel of a gun or the assassination of a public figure? Can you honestly say that Islam is "dominating the world?" Who has the widest military coverage on the face of the earth? Which country preemptively invades other countries under the falsehood of lies? I'm sorry, but "spreading freedom" is the propagandistic term used to settle the stomachs of a queasy nation worried about if we're doing the right thing. When confronted with challenges to our national authority as the "policeman of the world," the media propaganda machines simply throw out "but we're spreading democracy and freedom!" Say that phrase enough, and people will start to believe it. When on the other hand...
Take a look at Afghanistan to see what Islamic domination is all about.
I'll take a look at Afghanistan if you take a look at our buddies in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. We're so keen on spreading "democracy" throughout the world, we turn a blind eye to Saudi Arabia. Executions in the street? Sentencing a woman to prison because she was raped? Sounds like a great place to live. Yet we let them continue with what we deem as atrocities towards human rights. Afghanistan is more like the Wild West than a country. It has always been that way.
So please humor me and tell me what makes Afghanistan much more worse than Saudi Arabia in terms of "Islamic domination." I'm wondering what you are referring to here. Is it the government's policies? What?
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
Do you really think he would issue statements clearly stating his long term goals? Do you really think he would say, "If you get out of all Arab lands and totally stop offering any support to Israel (which the US will never do) we will never bother you again"? Just because Islamic extremists seldom speak of their long term goal, total world domination, does not mean that they have no such goal. They do.
Why not? He is at liberty to speak his mind. No one controls what OBL says except OBL himself. Why would he refrain from telling the world of his ultimate plan of world domination? Is he scared that the US military would come after him if he said such a thing? LOL!
"If you get out of all Arab lands and totally stop offering any support to Israel (which the US will never do) we will never bother you again"?
OBL essentially said this, and you can refer back to his quote from 2004, about states minding their own business and to stop meddling in the ME.
You're presuming to speak the thoughts of OBL and other "radical Islamists." Why should I listen to wannabe terrorist nuts posting on Youtube when I can listen to the horse's mouth directly? He is the leader - those others are just farts in the wind. Which would you quote on this board, a GB member or an elder from Bald Knob, AR? If I didn't know any better, you must be good pals with OBL since you know what his ultimate goals are even though he has never spoken of these grandiose plans. Besides, what makes American world domination better than Islamic domination? Don't answer that. Just think about the idea.