Original cast - lol!
Minimus! Still asking all those questions?
howdy everyone!
just wanted to pop in and say hi to all the old timers and the new.
i can't believe i've been a member of this site for 18 years now.
howdy everyone!
just wanted to pop in and say hi to all the old timers and the new.
i can't believe i've been a member of this site for 18 years now.
has anyone heard about this?
that really sucks.
lots of dubs are talking.
so i'm curious, has anyone continued with the collection and archival of all the boe letters?
i still have all of them from '77 to '01, but would be interested in reading/acquiring the others from '01-current.
i would love to host them again, but this time from a computer that sits on an anonymous vpn.
so i'm curious, has anyone continued with the collection and archival of all the boe letters?
i still have all of them from '77 to '01, but would be interested in reading/acquiring the others from '01-current.
i would love to host them again, but this time from a computer that sits on an anonymous vpn.
So I'm curious, has anyone continued with the collection and archival of all the BoE letters? I still have all of them from '77 to '01, but would be interested in reading/acquiring the others from '01-current. I would love to host them again, but this time from a computer that sits on an anonymous vpn.(I use iPredator) A torrent would be another great way as well.
it's been a very long time.
i just wanted to pop in to see what sort of changes have occurred in the last few years.
i've been virtually out of the ex-jw mindset for a while and it feels great.
it's been a very long time.
i just wanted to pop in to see what sort of changes have occurred in the last few years.
i've been virtually out of the ex-jw mindset for a while and it feels great.
Hello all. It's been a very long time. I just wanted to pop in to see what sort of changes have occurred in the last few years. I've been virtually out of the ex-JW mindset for a while and it feels great. Every so often I'll see a news article and my emotions get all charged up and I get pissed at the WTS all over again. But in some ways, it feels good to still be pissed at the WTS...sort of as a remembrance of my roots.
Anyways, I still think about a lot of folks from here. This was a great place to deprogram. Thanks for keeping it going, Simon!
jws cannot get involved with politics.
exjws certainly can and based upon responses from this site, many are quite opinionated about political matters.. are you very involved in politics at this point in your life?
do you really believe that your opinion, your vote means all that in the big scheme of things?
I probably invest a little too much time into following politics. Unfortunately, it does affect each and every one of us whether we like it or not. I've had plenty of political run-ins on this site in the past. The biggest problem I still see each and every day in the news is the D vs R/Us vs Them mentality. Both sides stoke the fire equally well (although I would have to say Fox is better when it comes to stoking fear). Here in the USA, we need a serious 3rd party to emerge. I'm not too fond of all this Tea Party crap. It's so damned fractious it's ridiculous. I straight up hate(maybe that's a little too harsh of a word) R's and D's alike. Fingers always get pointed along with a title such as "liberal" or "Neocon." Well, the R's had 8 solid years to show they could keep gov't small. That didn't turn out great at all. Obama is merely continuing all of Bush's mistakes and then some. We get bombarded by Bernanke and Geithner telling us that the fox needs to continue to guard the henhouse or our economy will crash further yet. Bullshit. Transparency is key with the Fed. Any time a gov't official says the opposite, vote that mofo out of office. The vast majority of the American people want to know where our money is going (TARP) - it's time for our "representatives" to represent instead of stonewall.
So no, I'm not at all involved in politics whatsoever.
Ron Paul 2012
although, unlikely, but what if jwn was shut down?
you came here and you got a message like....."the wts has seized this site".
where would you go for solid jw information and support?.
below is an inquiry i received recently through my website, www.watchtowerdocuments.
i sure need some help locating the requestsed information.
please pm me if you have a boe letter or letters that answer the question and would be willing to scan and send them to me via email.