Thank you everyone that has replied.
OFC, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You always described him as your Greek God. :-( Remember the good times.
I just sent your christmas card in the mail. So you probably won't get it, if you have moved. Please PM me you new addy and I'll send you mine.
Jeff, I'm glad to hear your wife is doing what she wants to do, even it it has been for a long time. Now you go do the same. I would love to hear from you, so I'll send you a PM with my e-mail addy.
Scully, your xmas card is in the mail. I hope you haven't moved. Are you still nursing on the post partum floor? The hospital where I do deliveries now is the busiest private hosptial in the USA. They do over 18,000 deliveries a year. The practice I'm in is busy, we do about 140-160 deliveries a month.
As far as dancing goes, yes in WCS you dance with a partner, but you don't need a partner. Everyone dances with everyone. In fact, it was 3 months of dancing with the WCS group that I realized who was married or partnered with whom. So just get out and dance!
Karla it is good to see you reply. It has been several years. Happy new year to you.
(((Ozzie)) and ((Mrs Ozzie)) I haven't kept up with your situation, but I hope you are at peace. Miss chatting with you two.
Barbara :-O, what can I say??? Come on down and visit without the side kick, we'll have fun! Thank you for all you hard work in exposing the WT for what it is.
Love to all.