Great video!!! Very well done. Was wondering when we would see you two again. Can't wait for more.
many years ago, my husband and i appeared on the board that was known as h20 aka simon's site.
it has been a while since we have posted anything, so i guess i can say that this is like coming out of retirement.
Great video!!! Very well done. Was wondering when we would see you two again. Can't wait for more.
i just saw a commercial for a new movie coming out.
spotlight - about a newspaper exposing the cover-ups of the catholic church about child sexual abuse.
michael keaton, mark ruffalo.
Saw Spotlight this afternoon. Excellent movie on child abuse among Catholics in Boston. Was stunned by the timing of the reporters investigating the article that came out in the Boston Globe. It was the same time period Bill Bowen and Barbar Anderson were interviewed by Dateline. Both stories were delayed in the press and public view due to 911 happening in 2001. Both stories were then reported on in 2002.
I highly recommend seeing this movie, knowing how guilty the WT organization is, similar to the Catholics as the world is finding out.
i've always maintained a huge sense of justice, when presented with facts and truth i don't tolerate hypocrisy and "fake" my path in life.
i relate to nancy grace from hln, seeking justice and truth.
many friends tell me i would be a great lawyer for my candor and directness, i don't think soo because i honestly do not like confrontation.
hello everyone, it have been quite a long time since my last visit here, and wow so many new people and it proves to me so many are still leaving the wts and its cohorts the gb.
or rather kings, gee give me a break, our lord jesus christ is the king of kings and lord of lords .
talk about disillusion they are off their rocker.ll .
...with dick and helen kelly.
got to meet joe and barbara anderson and their friend joy on their whirlwind u.s. tour.
wonderful conversation and opportunity to reminisce about our wts experiences and our plans for the future.
i just wanted to say that my dear 89 year old mom is terminally ill and will soon pass.
she is on morphine and hanging on.
she has been a devout witness for about 60 years and a wonderful mother.
talked for about 45 minutes with 2 cart people .
daniel wiebe (his vid) emily, and myself (csf) .
caught them lying 4x on very important topics.
Well done! Especially the calm demeanor and raising points about other religions (or cults) to get the JW's to connect the dots about their own religion and beliefs. (Steven Hassen recommend that tactic).
Be proud of yourself and how well you are deprogramming from a mind control religion.
its been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
"So what can Jdub expect in the future?"
Giving out flowers at the airport wrapped in orange sheets 😃
Riding bikes with backpacks in white shirts for a two year stint 😆
lostwun here, i joined 2 months ago but am now just finding the courage after doing more research to formally introduce myself to the board and embrace my new beginnings as an ex-jw.
i am a second-generation jw.
i grew up with parents who are well known and very respected in many circuits.
Welcome LostWun!
getting a new support system outside the dubs is a necessity but will be slow process. Deprogramming usually takes at least two years, it's amazing how entrenched in mind control JWs are until you leave.
There are a lot of great people here who have been where you are in your journey. And also lots of opinions. The one thing I think is important is to love yourself and find out who you truly are.
Good luck,
it sounds to me like he was a jw before he became a physician.
"kalauawa, who became a jw 31 years ago, said he had to overcome a major conflict between his religious and professional beliefs, because jws are opposed to blood transfusions.
I went to nursing school while a witness. Did the mental gymnastics around the blood issue. Didn't go to the Red Cross to learn about blood donations (got excused because of religious beliefs) 😱 Reasoned that I didnt ordered blood and would've interfere with the doctor/patient relationship but I would usually ask other nurses to hang the blood for me.
I held to this policy of mine while even a nurse-practitioner (Certified Nurse-Midwife) until I left the JWs. I was truly free and relieved that I could practice on scientific principles instead of men's mumbo-jumbo.
There is a lot of mental gymnastics that goes on between scientific principles and fundamental religions.