I guess there weren't any good looking men. The daughters were hot so what do you expect an angel to do?
Posts by Hadit
Angels are all male?
by sabastious ingenesis 6: 1, 2 - 1 when human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of god saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.. so angels are only attracted to female humans.. anyone else find this extremely telling?.
This is scary we are to put the GB in the same place as Jesus according to the Dec 15 WT
by life is to short ini do not know how to scan the wt if someone can it would be great but i wrote it out verbatim .
i think what the wt says speaks for its self.
am i missing something and or reading something into what they are saying.
Darth P. - Your comment gave me chills! You just never know what people are willing to do and what they will request! Especially in the position they put themselves in.
They mutilate the scriptures very badly. They are contortionists! Except to no one's amusement.
It's the movie with Nicole Kidman - 2001.
The Others.
The elders were told in my hall they can pick up their copy of the elders book tonight!
by life is to short inok i know many of you will think i am strange but i tie in to the meeting on tuesday night just for the announcements five minutes ok i might have to listen to just a tad bit of the song it truly is horrible.. ok so just like 10 minutes ago they announced that the elders can go to the po or cobe after the meeting to get their new elders book.
i was like seriously they just announced it.
i was laughing so hard as it has been out on the internet for at least two weeks now and the elders in my hall are now just getting it.
They'll be ooohing and ahhing till a sister wants to help with the coil binding!
Welcome to special!
The elders were told in my hall they can pick up their copy of the elders book tonight!
by life is to short inok i know many of you will think i am strange but i tie in to the meeting on tuesday night just for the announcements five minutes ok i might have to listen to just a tad bit of the song it truly is horrible.. ok so just like 10 minutes ago they announced that the elders can go to the po or cobe after the meeting to get their new elders book.
i was like seriously they just announced it.
i was laughing so hard as it has been out on the internet for at least two weeks now and the elders in my hall are now just getting it.
Interesting! What your husband said raises a question - did they used to announce these books from the platform before? He seemed to indicate from his comment that this used to be done privately in an elder's meeting. If that is the case I'm wondering why the change? Perhaps they are trying to make it not seem like it's a secret book?
Finally the FDS tells us why they made the new song book.
by life is to short inthe dec 15th wt finally tells us why the new song book.
who would think it was new light that made them have to change there book but here it is.. paragraph 15 says "as times passes, refinements are made in our understanding of the sciptures.
proverbs 4:18 says: "the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.
Thanks LITS!
This is in harmony with Paul's counsel recorded at Ephesians 5:19.
Paul's counsel? Now they counsel ones to sing? Singing is something spontaneous and joyful! Not something you do because you are counseled! They take the joy out of everything. TOTALITARIAN!
Yes and memorize those songs! Get that mind control firmly entrenched in your brain.
Welcome back! I missed the picture!
The Girl Who Made Grown Men Shut-Up and Listen.....
by AK - Jeff ini wonder where she is today?
i wish she were my child.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sb6rmrmbby&feature=related.
Thanks Jeff! That was truly amazing. Children are so free of ego - they see what needs to be done.
Ghosts and Spirits
by Cold Steel ini've been watching the bio channel lately and hearing people relate their stories of ghosts and the supernatural.. although i think some people do experience demonic presences, i think some people (for whatever reason) find it difficult to move on.
jws believe everything is caused by "demons," but there are many near death experiences where people clearly seem to see family members who have helped them and who have manifested themselves with feelings of peace and serenity.
since i don't believe that satan can duplicate these feelings of well being, i was wondering what you think of such manifestations, good or bad.. also, have you ever had any experiences, again, good or bad, in your lives?
Soldier77: I understand we are energetic beings but lately I've noticed that when I'm really concentrating on something - my phone will turn on or my CD player - by itself. I've noticed my phone go on before but I've narrowed it down to when I'm actively thinking or concentrating (not on the device but on what I'm thinking about). My CD player would not turn off even when I pressed the off button. I finally opened it up and stopped it with my hand. I put it down and then about an hour later I thought to myself how odd the CD player turned on - when I thought "CD player" it turned on again! I had to open it up take out the CD for it to stop. I've mentioned this to the acupuncturist I go to and she said "you have a sixth sense." I don't see dead people though!