1914 was stlill important in 2007 look at this gem sent my way
http://readingeagle.com/article.aspx?id=47112 click here save to your hard-drive before it gets archived This was their official Press Release as recent as 2007 conventions
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1870s: Charles Taze Russell starts the modern-day organization from a Bible study group in Allegheny, which is now a part of Pittsburgh. Members were known as “Bible Students.” 1881: Russell forms the Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society, which begins to publish religious material for Bible students. 1893: First publicly advertised meeting in Chicago. 1914: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, who now rules in heaven. 1935: Name of group changed to “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” based on Isaiah 43:10. Also changed the name to distinguish the religion from Christian denominations. 1930s-40s: Jehovah’s Witnesses take a series of cases to U.S. Supreme Court. The group wins decisions allowing members to preach without a license, not say the Pledge of Allegiance and other rights. Source: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania |
JW apologist trolls when debated will often deny Jesus second coming in 1914 saying that this is the fabricated invention of apostates,mostly they are silent and don't reply.