I think what is even more fascinating is how the JWs tell others what they believe. It is pretty much all in the negative.
1. The JWs do not believe in the Trinity
2. The JWs do not believe Jesus is God.
3. The JWs do not believe in an immortal soul.
4. The JWs do not believe that Christians go to heaven.
5. The JWs do not believe that all believers will see Jesus face to face.
6. The JWs do not believe that Jesus rose bodily from the dead.
Basically, if you take the Apostles Creed or the Nicean Creed and reformulate it to say we don't believe then you have the basic creed of the JWs. That is why one sociologist whose name escapes me at the moment referred to the JWs as "The Apostles of Denial".
One friend of mine even said that JWs are defined by what they do not believe in..........kinda par for the course if you think about it for a religion that is in general so negative about everything and everyone.
Jeff S.