1944: Kingdom Service Song Book (Red)
1966: Singing and Accompanying Yourselves With Music In Your Hearts (Pink)
1984: Sing Praises To Jehovah (Brown)
2009: Sing To Jehovah (Greenish-Yellow)
yesterday, i saw a picture of a family signing kingdom melodies together.
it made me realize a fact that i am somewhat ashamed to admit:.
for over a decade, i have been aware of the false prophecies, the deceptive statements, the lack of scriptural support for many core practices and other issues with the witnesses.
1944: Kingdom Service Song Book (Red)
1966: Singing and Accompanying Yourselves With Music In Your Hearts (Pink)
1984: Sing Praises To Jehovah (Brown)
2009: Sing To Jehovah (Greenish-Yellow)
yesterday, i saw a picture of a family signing kingdom melodies together.
it made me realize a fact that i am somewhat ashamed to admit:.
for over a decade, i have been aware of the false prophecies, the deceptive statements, the lack of scriptural support for many core practices and other issues with the witnesses.
ateograciasadios: I agree 100%. I really beleive the new Kingdom Songs are reproduced by a MIDI keyboard or some type of synthesizer. I've never heard any self-respecting piano player sound that bad!
Take the Victory Song for example (Song 171 and 132), it's my personal favorite, and the piano player put flare and feeling into the music of the 1984 recordings. (Well, as much as he was allowed to at the time.) But now, the computer synthesized version (midi) is just numb to any human emotion.
And lyrically it's been chopped of most the scriptural references in Exodus 15. Now there are terrible lyrics that say "Doom now awaits them, they will not survive Armageddon!" How disturbing! Can't imagine how weird it will sound when we all sing that line together on the last day of our Regional Convention! Might make some of the worldy people look at us kinda funny.
Maybe DNCall can shed some light on the real piano player vs MIDI piano thought?
so i'm thumbing through the new "silver sword" and i notice that in the appendix under "message of the bible" that it says, "about 1914 jesus hurls the serpent satan to the earth...." i can't remeber ever hearing the word "about" and 1914 placed together before in regards to this event.
are there any jwapologists, or anyone else for that matter, who have an explanation for this?.
I recently asked an elder about this.
He said, "The war in heaven started in 1914 definitively. But how long did it take for Satan to be ousted? We don't know. It may have happened late 1914 or early 1915. So saying "about 1914" would accurately describe Satans being cast out, not when the Kingdom started ruling."
But that's just one crazy speculation which is combined with about 100 other crazy speculations that ultimately form the JW doctrine!
i wanted to share with you all a quote that i came across today by carl sagan.
as so many have found out, the truthtm is in such a tenuous, vulnerable position today because the truthtm simply cannot stand up to the real truth.
the only real hope watchtower corp has against the truth is to rely on cultish practices of information control and shunning.
Nice Find!
Slowly but surely, the Watchtower is being destroyed by "the truth about the Truth."
the whole jeremiah book is an abomination, but a point in this week's study exceeded even its usual standards of inanity.. from page 144, paragraph 10:.
in our day, god continues to show loving-kindness in ways that directly benefit his worshippers.
consider the matter of prayer.
In other words, god ignores all prayers, but if you're a dedicated servant, he will ignore yours in a very special way.
do you remember anything from your baptism talk or the brother who gave it?.
Yes. Mostly just because it was so wierd and corny. The brother used a tropical island vacation illustration that made no sense and it was a stretch to fit it in with the theology of the Watchtower Society. Even when I was "all in", that talk made little sense to me. It was embarrasing and I remember sitting their wishing a better speaker had given the part.
We did sing song 55 in the brown song book entitled "Daily Walking With Jehovah." I liked, and still do like, singing that song. Made me tear up towards the end of it. I'm a sucker for a good string orchestration.
Hard to beleive how much I've realized, learned, and wakened up to since then, in just 5 years.
on this thread:.
some (well, me, mostly) are speculating that the wts is planning to distribute a "new new world translation" some time soon.. if that is true, what changes do you think they would include?.
It seems to me like they have been quoting from other bible translations more and more to make their point. Either the words, or the way the verse is structured, makes more sense than the klunky wording of the NWT. And, of course, the reason they do that is because the "other" bible translation makes their point BETTER than their own NWT. It's my personal opinion that they will update some of the verses that they have previously refered to in other translations.
But, if their is a NNWT, I would bet money on the term "governing body" being mentioned. I can see them messing with the story of Paul and the elders in Antioch, to make it seem as if he were being obeint to the "first century governing body."
dear brothers: .
we are pleased to announce that the recordings for sing to jehovahpiano accompaniment have been revised and are now available on the jw.org web site for downloading.
these new recordings have improvements in their tempos, pausing, and sonic quality.
I see that the songs have been updated (a little), but where is the letter making that announcement?
not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but yeah.
they just posted up the new watchtower...with the confusing new information.. time for me to go dive into this "new light" and try to see what sense it makes.
of course cedars already nicely did a run down for us.. .
Is that Gerrit Losch on page 23?
for old geezers such as myself, the james bond film was an annual event appearing around christmas time.
sean connery was the embodiment of the character onscreen with just enough seriousness to deflect the outrageousness of the plot.
but, what really sold the series to me personally was the music.
I always hated it when Monty Norman took credit for the Bond Theme in his interviews on the DVD's...we know who really did it!
John Barry had such a unique talent for the Bond films, in my opinion. He could make every movie sound "different", but yet at the same time, they still sounded like Bond.
For instance, the score for Goldfinger set the standard of Bond scores. Big brass and all those "Bond sounds" we're used to. But then You Only Live Twice comes along...and sounds completely different! But you know without a shadow of a doubt it's Bond's music. And you can't switch the scores around either! Goldfingers music would not work in YOLT, and YOLT's soundtrack does not work for Goldfinger. But they both work for "Bond".
I think my favorite Barry Bond score would have to be A View To A Kill with Roger Moore. It's not my favorite film...but it definetly had and eerie, hauntingly beutiful, and powerful score. None of the scores before it, or after it, had that touch.
David Arnold is pretty decent at mimicking Barry and infusing his own ideas into it. As long as he keeps that annoying percussion out of it. Thomas Newmans score for Skyfall didn't do much for me...I would welcome Arnold back.
What is your favorite Bond score? If you could only pick one?
And who would you choose to score future films if you could pick just one composer?