I don't doubt that crazy, unexplainable shit happens to people. What I doubt are the supernatural explanations assigned to memories of perceptions of crazy, unexplainable shit. There are three weak links there: perceptions, memories of perceptions, and explanations that have no empirical evidence.
Psychology 101 would suggest we question the weakest link in the chain - the mind - when we think we perceive something defying the laws of nature. Perceptions can be distorted and memories can be false, even in sober, mentally sound individuals.
In cases of shared experiences, I highly recommend this account: http://www.hauntmastersclub.com/files/ghost-in-machine.pdf
No, it doesn't prove all crazy experiences are caused by physics. But it's an interesting thought that some of those involved quickly attributed the phenomena to ghosts. (Of course, a standing wave wouldn't apply in bio's case.)
Of course, some critical thinking from one of my favorite YouTube channels....
bio, do you by chance have even a partial transcript of your wife's Ouija board experience? Despite my skepticism, I'd genuinely love to hear more details. Granted, if something hokey really happened, I wouldn't attribute it to demons. But it could certainly fall in the "unexplained phenomena" basket.