Sab: However if secular "truth" is used to bully a believer into feeling bad about their methods or conclusions or denying the existence of their creator is when I take issue.
In the OP (EDIT) second post in this thread, NDrew uses the Bible to call unbelievers cowards. How about that, Sab? Even if you remove NDrew from the equation, that verse could be considered bullying to an unbeliever. Do you take issue with that as well?
Here's the thing... we live in a democracy. Every vote counts, even Tom Cruise's vote. Usually a person's world view has much to do with his/her vote. As you stated, not all "theories" are created equal. (So that we don't abuse the scientific meaning of the term theory, I'd like to sub the term ideas.) So I take issue with ideas asserted as TRUTH when they emerge from a more subjective standard of judgment than the scientific method, as if they deserve equal respect.
I'm all for folks coming up with wild hypotheses..... when the originator regards it as such UNTIL it's found to have sufficient evidence to be accepted as a theory. Anything less is premature. So why not let conjecture be conjecture?
Skepticism turns to cynicism all too often with non believers, imo.
IMO, the failure to apply critical thinking leads to gullibility. Since I've already ridden that pony, I'll take my chances on becoming cynical now.