JoinedPosts by SweetBabyCheezits
If you knew that a murder was going to take place......
by Sour Grapes inif you knew that a murder would take place and did.
nothing to stop it would you share some responsibility?.
if you knew that your neighbor was going to be robbed.
If you knew that a murder was going to take place......
by Sour Grapes inif you knew that a murder would take place and did.
nothing to stop it would you share some responsibility?.
if you knew that your neighbor was going to be robbed.
As much as you choose not to believe in the tooth fairy, yes.
If you knew that a murder was going to take place......
by Sour Grapes inif you knew that a murder would take place and did.
nothing to stop it would you share some responsibility?.
if you knew that your neighbor was going to be robbed.
NRFGeorge: That picture while humbling, doesn't necessarily give one a wide opening to direct blame God's way. I think that picture is more of an indictment of the leaders within that country who've failed their people, or even the leaders of neighboring countries.
NRFGeorge, I'm not blaming any [concept of] god for causing a food crisis. I'm saying that a god who permits innocent children to suffer and a nonexistent god look very much alike.
History has shown man can be pretty rotten. And I expect multitudes of people to be ignorant and apathetic to the suffering of others.
I would expect more from a god [described as] "perfect in all his ways" and omni-everything.
I would expect a loving father god to use his far-reaching and limitless powers to protect innocent children from these rotten people. What human father could watch with indifference while his precious children suffer the painful effects of man's greed and corruption? Such a father would be labeled incompetent, if not evil, and unfit as a parent.
Nawsah, the Judeo-Christian concept of god is painted up with too many glorified attributes for us to shrug off the starving children in that image above. Forget the supposed issue of free will. Can he not miraculously provide for them like the widow and her son as touted in the Bible? Or what great wisdom is he imparting to them by allowing them to starve to death at a young age?
God doesn't let people starve...
Well he sure as hell isn't feeding them.
I don't believe that's something that can be blamed on God as the buck starts and stops with us.
I totally agree. I think we shoulder all of the responsibility for getting ourselves out of this shit hole that our ancestors dug. Again, atheists who "blame god" aren't really blaming god. They're just noting as a matter of logic that a deity described, for example, as a loving father wouldn't leave his kids to starve to death. Ergo... IF a deity exists, someone has royally f'd up his description.
If you knew that a murder was going to take place......
by Sour Grapes inif you knew that a murder would take place and did.
nothing to stop it would you share some responsibility?.
if you knew that your neighbor was going to be robbed.
My apologies, OGD, I was on the defensive. Seems I'm having my man-period this week. Let me think about your post and treat it with the respect it deserves.
I'll switch my cynical hat for my critical thinking hat, which I'm told is a brown fedora (...and may explain why Indiana Jones was so good at figuring shit out).
Watchtower And Awake Song
by Bangalore in(tune of sweet violets).
by dale baker.
there once was an elder who stood at my door,.
jesus the answer to our question.
why do people get angry?
Wait, is that the question in which Jesus is the answer?
Watchtower And Awake Song
by Bangalore in(tune of sweet violets).
by dale baker.
there once was an elder who stood at my door,.
jesus the answer to our question
"Let's see, I'll take demigods who performed cheap parlor tricks and got nailed to a tree for $200, Alex."
Watchtower And Awake Song
by Bangalore in(tune of sweet violets).
by dale baker.
there once was an elder who stood at my door,.
Passively-aggressively edited:
If Jesus is the answer, how dumb is the question?
If you knew that a murder was going to take place......
by Sour Grapes inif you knew that a murder would take place and did.
nothing to stop it would you share some responsibility?.
if you knew that your neighbor was going to be robbed.
SourGrapes: I still say grace before meals to thank God for the food that He provides but then I realize that if God gave me this food then why doesn't He give food to millions of other people who are starving to death? It sorta makes me feel guilty for even thanking Him for the food.
I admire that humble perspective, SourGrapes.
Once a Christian FB friend was updating her status with news of wildfires in her area. She asked friends to submit prayers that her home might be spared. Lots of FB friends came to her aid to petition the Almighty 'that the laws of the universe might be annulled on behalf of a single confessedly unworthy subject.' (....to paraphrase Ambrose Bierce's definition of prayer.)
The next day, what do you know, the fires were under control and her house was unscathed. She posted on FB to let everyone know that the prayers worked. If I had a dollar for every "God is good".....
Meanwhile, numerous other presumably Christian families were nearby, sifting through the ashes of what was once their homes.
To add another perspective, my wife said she used to wonder why she was so special to have been born into a JW family - "the right religion." She was thankful to God, too.
2012 July Kingdom Ministry!
by Atlantis in.
2012 july kingdom ministry*click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down and click the link in the long blue box that says: (click here to start download from sendspace).
ignore all the other buttons and symbols.
What was the olllllld brochure that had very little text and was mostly horrible WT art? We referred to it as the I Can't Read brochure when I was a young dub.
2012 July Kingdom Ministry!
by Atlantis in.
2012 july kingdom ministry*click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down and click the link in the long blue box that says: (click here to start download from sendspace).
ignore all the other buttons and symbols.
Field Service Highlights
....In addition, when compared to the same month last year, the Bahamas had an increase of 8.1 percent in return visits and the United States had an increase of 5.4 percent in return visits. Clearly, with the guidance of Jehovah’s spirit the good news continues to spread.—Acts 1:8.
Is the RV increase due to holy spirit's guidance or because drones would rather ride across town in an air-conditioned (or heated) car instead of walking door-to-door?