oh and what happens when u have one of those shotgun shits that just go everywhere? are we allowed to use an extra sheet to clean up?
JoinedPosts by finallyfree!
Re: Only using one sheet of toilet paper at assemblies
by Luo bou to ini have been living in china for several years now and my only fear was that one day, i would need to use one of their squat toilets.
i cant squat that close to the ground but the chinese can with their feet flat on the ground and without raising their heels .
so the day finally came when for several weeks i was forced to use one.
Is "Kingdumb Hall" really an offensive term?
by cyberjesus inif a friend of mine starts to say things out of emotion and i call him "schizophrenic" then that might be an insult.
however if he is having auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking then that word becomes a description of his situation.. now i ask you.
does the attendance to the kh promote intelligence?
fwhy do we have to put on our little white gloves to talk to jw's or about them?? like it was said...i find it offensive when jw's refer to us normal peeps as worldly. so fuckem!! if they can give it, then they should be able to take it!
Re: Only using one sheet of toilet paper at assemblies
by Luo bou to ini have been living in china for several years now and my only fear was that one day, i would need to use one of their squat toilets.
i cant squat that close to the ground but the chinese can with their feet flat on the ground and without raising their heels .
so the day finally came when for several weeks i was forced to use one.
one sheet of toilet paper!?!?!! it better be"charmin"!!
financial warfare theory
by finallyfree! infunny little aisans immigrating into the us by the heards.
what if a country...say china were to strategically place millions of spies/agents over a span of say 20 years or so into the usa.
the chinese are one of the biggest holders of us dollars.
i strongly doubt the us would invade canada. they are one of their allies and so would probably take sides with the us and go down with them at the same time. plus canada even though they have an army thatd be crushed by the us, would not be invaded for the simple fact that it would probably be like killing a puppydog with a bomb. canada is not a warring country, we are more or less peace lovers. we do follow our southern neighbors in wartime tho. who's fighting americas war in afghanistan? so i really doubt thatd happen.
exactly what heathen said...the us will cripple themselves with their own greed. the whole financial and economic system is their achilles heel so to speak. topple that and youll see the us or canadas citizens out in the streets protesting just like all those middle eastern countries. its true that american middle class is dwindling...unfortunately they are not movin up to the rich but falling into the "poor" class. and us canucks would be right in the same boat as y'all. personally i think if there would ever be an attack on the us and war pronounced it could realistically turn into a world war 3. anyone who doesnt see the current situation that the us is in is either sleeping or in denial.
satanus: i agree with you. but do you really think that the american people are the same as say back in the days of the revolution or civil war? yes back then all the able bodied men woulda hopped on their horses and showed those confederate bluebellies a lesson...now...? hell, half of the us population are not even fit enough to walk around the block let alone go to war. and as for standing up to the government? well i think north americans in general havent the guts to make real change cuz we put a buncha morons in power and now we cant do anything about it! just look at how much were being taxed and how the money is being spent!! if thats not enough, just look at how the us got into the financial rut theyre in now...its coz of greedy crookedd politicians in cahootz with corporate america! look at how our government bailed us outta that one!! yay! lets give billions to save our corporate buddies and f#ck the people! then lets print trillions to mess it up even more! i think it goes unsaid that the us, canada etc have their population well conditioned, just like the jw's have all their little pions busy with their service,meetings study etc not questioning a thing but being good obedient citizens, even when theyre gettin screwed at the same time.
although if push comes to shove, yes people will get out and push for change at the top. one thing i admire about all those middle eastern countries is that they stick together and will literally take to the streets and oust the crooked leaders who will leave the country and then the people put in a new leader until its round2.
financial warfare theory
by finallyfree! infunny little aisans immigrating into the us by the heards.
what if a country...say china were to strategically place millions of spies/agents over a span of say 20 years or so into the usa.
the chinese are one of the biggest holders of us dollars.
for sure the usa has a very strong army... even if china's army is superior in manpower, the us has a much more experienced and technologically superior army. however can you imagine when their army does get more profficient how it will be that much more dangerous. the romans once were considered the most powerful army and we all know how that ended...
one cant disregard the fact that if ever an attack would be staged against the usa, sides would be taken...alot of countries hate us westerners. cut off our oil supply and how would we fly our planes and drive our tanks and armoured vehicles...
plus the fact that china has enough us dollars that they could seriously hurt our economy if they flooded the market. a bankrupt country cant buy weapons or artillery let alone pay their military lol!
the only thing that the usa has going for them is their military strength, but there are other ways to cripple a country...who would have thought that a coupla airplanes crashing into the world trade center would have led to where we are now?
a bankrupt country is an extremely vulnerable country...just sayin you can be the best at shootin guns, but if you cant afford to buy the bullets...
financial warfare theory
by finallyfree! infunny little aisans immigrating into the us by the heards.
what if a country...say china were to strategically place millions of spies/agents over a span of say 20 years or so into the usa.
the chinese are one of the biggest holders of us dollars.
funny little aisans immigrating into the us by the heards. what if a country...say china were to strategically place millions of spies/agents over a span of say 20 years or so into the usa. the chinese are one of the biggest holders of us dollars. when the opportune time arrives they all go bankrupt all at once starting a domino effect. the financial markets react on emotion. a sudden surge in bankruptcies causes the housing and financial markets to slip into another recession.
nowadays if our financial system were to crash again, things are so bad in some parts that it would topple our already fragile economy. a second wave of a similiar said financial attack would probably have people rioting in the streets and looting to be able to make ends meet resulting in martial law being declared. throw in a few fresh conflicts in the middle east a liquidating of the us dollar by several countries and theyd basically be bankrupt and open and extremely vulnerable to any military attack. or the chinese could buy the usa and we'd be a part of china, working as slaves in factories for just enough to feed our families.
hell, they probably couldnt even afford to bring home their own troops to defend our own country. i wonder if this is happening as we speak...you never know
The Gentile Times Reconsidered
by Spade indisproving the date 1914 as a significant year in bible prophecy is of great importance to some (e.g.
carl o. jonsson).
along with the meticulous details of bible and secular chronology, broadening one's horizons when assessing exactly what this date represents when compared against the 6000 years of human history likewise has merit.
gawd!! sometimes when i talk with jw's i feel like shooting myself in the head!! you people are the most ignorant, self righteous, "its right cuz we say so!" peeps ever!
one thing i can give spade is a p for persistence, even tho persistence doesnt make you right or prove wrong secular history.
Songs for Today's Jehovah's Witnesses
by thetrueone incan you think of some songs suitable for today's jws ?.
shiny happy people by rem.
The secret things men hate about being men
by FlyingHighNow inthese are hastily thought up facts and then some stereo-typical reasons, in response to sam's why men seldom get depressed thread.
feel free to add ones that have been missed.. men:.
have to shave everyday or they look like miami vice wannabe's.. have to register for the draft.. have to keep up that macho image for their buds.. have to pretend to love beer.. to them, size is an important issue.
fhn: love your thread!!
but must add the most controversial point of all time and the one we all lie to ourselves about.... men have to whack off at least every other day (in addition to any other action we get from our gf's/ wives/ or any other source) in the morning shower or bathroom break at the office.
why? cuz we're men!! and if you say "no i just do my gf!!" then i hope your bullshit detector is finely tuned cuz you know ur lying!! lol! :-)
two "sisters" on my flight
by dogisgod ini was on a flight working the beverage cart when i spied with my little eyes two women reading wt material.
i served them and said they looked like jehovah's witnesses.
they smiled and asked if i was a witness and i said nooooooooo.
lol!! loove it!! be careful that they dont make a complaint to the airline. talking religion with a passenger, especially a jw might get you in a pickle at work.
dont need that type of trouble :-)