make sure not to buy a gun before u go back to request re-instatement. the elders will certainly deny you several times if they know you left for "apostacy". my ex got denied 2 times just for adultery.
new york times
june 3, 2011
"3 jehovahs witness elders shot dead at kingdumb hall"
it was a grisly scene. pushed to the edge by 3 pompeous wannabe's, pp couldnt take the guilt and rejection he was getting from his former religion after he left for a brief stint. investigation revealed that 2 of the victims had priors for sexual harrassement, stalking, and child molestation. the third victim had "loads" of porn, including illegal child pornography.
lol!! sorry dude i have a twisted sense of humour, but i wish you all the best. remember... "the world will only be what you choose to see for yourself."