some articles by and about Dr. Stark:
maybe the quote they used was out of context?
"[jehovah's witnesses] have some ... very well-designed articles telling parents how to teach their children to deal with the molestation situation .
and in ways so that the child will feel secure about coming home and reporting it."dr.
rodney stark, professor of sociology.
some articles by and about Dr. Stark:
maybe the quote they used was out of context?
i went to brooklyn hts.
today to pick my son up from college at the new york institute of technology, which is right in the heart of bethel.
he brought home a news paper with the headlines entitled:.
I couldnt find the newspaper online, but I did find some interesting articles:
just caught the midnight screening of episode ii.
yeah, i know (it was actually a mostly normal crowd, only 2 fairly cute young ladies as jedis and one darth maul showed up .
this is exactly everything episode i should have been.
oh xander....I have to reply
Poor Haydn Christophers lines....
ok, I understand that they were trying to set things up for when he turns evil, but how un-damn-believable could this so-called love story be? I mean, can you say RESTRAINING ORDER??? "I killed them all, not just the men, but the women (long dramatic pause) the children...." and the fiesty woman that he has been visibly creeping out for that last hour, who is a trained diplomat....hugs him?? Why didnt she recoil in horror? (My kids say its because that is the only time he used Jedi mind make her fall in love with him).
You found Haydn's acting forced, and you recommend Spiderman? I mean, at least Haydn LOOKED hurt when his mother died. And.....the way the mother died...oh god that was so painful to watch.
The other thing that bothered me was the whole Darth Sidious thing. I'm sorry, but he even SOUNDED like Jon Lovitz.
This movie was bad bad bad. The best thing about it was being able to see more of Ewan McGregor. If you want to hear a funny commentary on it, watch the Daily Show's movie critic...he nailed it.
Spiderman was so so much better than least it had a believable love story!!
just caught the midnight screening of episode ii.
yeah, i know (it was actually a mostly normal crowd, only 2 fairly cute young ladies as jedis and one darth maul showed up .
this is exactly everything episode i should have been.
I thought it SUCKED.
We made fun of it all the way thru.
Look for Jon Lovitz at the end.
Spiderman is way way better.
holy crap!!!
if i hear one more ...... "pedophilia exists everywhere" excuse from a d*** jw troll ... i am going to start shooting i swear!!.
the simple fact of the matter is that they claim to be gods earthly organization.
Hey Accuracy....
The issue is not that pedophiles are everywhere. That is a societal issue that needs to be addressed.
The issue at hand here is that pedophiles have been harbored within the walls of organized religion, the one place that should by its very creed be protecting children. When the corrupt practices that sheild these wicked individuals are brought to light, it is IMMORAL to say, "well so what? pedophiles are everywhere". The moral thing would to acknowledge the damage that these wicked individuals have done, try to make ammends with the people who have been injured, and take steps to be sure that other wicked people will not be protected by the religion again.
Why is that so difficult to see?
will you miss this history making event?
as many of you may know in recent weeks wt has moved to silence victims and advocates by disfellowshipping those who have spoken out on child molestation within the organization.
spokesman for jehovahs witnesses have made allegations that are untruthful, from saying that they had no idea who was appearing on dateline, stating that it has been established policy that child molesters work only in twos in the door to door ministry, to stating the judicial meetings were over other sins against god.
since many of us live far far away, would it be of any help if we held our own vigils in front of KHs in our local communities?
this is mostly directed to others that were born/raised in the cult.
more specifically those raised in the cult who also suffered from severe depression and/or social anxiety disorder or any other mental illness (other than the normal probs that come with being in the borg).
sometimes i wonder if its just me that doesnt feel like a person now.
I think maybe you have two issues:
One is a true medical condition that needs continued attention and work.
The second is that you were never given any tools to deal with that condition, and you may have had those tools if you werent brought up as a JW.
Are you on meds for the anxiety? My daughter was on Zoloft for a while and it made her feel exactly as you are describing. She refuses to take meds now, but she works really hard with a therapist to stay off the drugs. I left the JWs when she was about 8, I cannot imagine her going thru the teenage years with the anxiety issues she has and having to be a JW. I dont think I would have thought enough about her behavior to get her tested if I was still a JW. Geez that is so scary.
Keep expressing how you feel...look for real-life help.....thats what I would say.
and what your all-time favorites might be.
it's been quite a while since we've had a thread like this, so here goes my list:.
1. the end of history and the last man by francis fukuyama.
"What Smart People Do When Losing Their Jobs" and "Your Services are No Longer Required: The Complete Job-Loss Recovery Book" cuz I got laid off Tuesday....
"Birth of a Nation'hood: Gaze, Script and Spectacle in the OJ Simpson Case", because it was edited by Toni Morrison and I am going to a conference Sat where she is a speaker (her fiction is so dark it freaks me out!)
earthquake in the northeast
the end must be near.. everything shook in the house for 5 to 10 seconds, shortly before 7 this morning...
my bookselves were rattling...wonder if that is what it was?
what do you have hanging from your car's rear-view mirror?.
i have two stuffed pandas hanging from my car's rear-view mirror.
one of them was my first christmas present from my sister.
3 strings of mardis gras beads and a kitty-cat-ears headband (from halloween)