I find it amazing that people can say ..."I think people should celebrate their differences" and then say "it isnt right that there are black only this or that".
I also find it interesting that most people who say those sweeping generalized comments never attend so-called black-only (or hispanic only or indian only) events. They are open to everyone, and usually everyone is welcome.
If your skin is light, you are in a club that you do not even realize that you belong to. That is why people of color have had to create their own things....to have a place of peace to be who they are. Not all of us want to be assimilated into some bland version of what an American is supposed to be. Some of us want to retain our heritage.
And sister cry me a river about what your family-come-lately was promised. My family has lived on this continent for thousands of years, my people were promised things that were supposed to last as long as the rivers flowed, the grass grew, etc etc. That land your family was promised was stolen. If you are southern, there is a good chance you live on land that belonged to my ancestors. How much do you know about the history of the lands that your feet are planted on now?
Race and class matter. Just because it is uncomfortable to hear about the past, and how our country was founded does not mean that we should not discuss it. We need to open a real dialogue about the economic and social consequences that ou nation faces today that are a direct result of our shared past, as it is the only way to really improve things.