Quote “do you get “better” at the game of life by being a self-serving criminal who could not care less about the rights and lives or others, or do you get “better” at the game of life by helping, loving and sharing what you have with others”
I like that thought so much I will dare to respond. I will take your advise and ignore my timidity .
Jesus was never accused of being righteous. He was even thought of by the religious leaders as being unrighteous, evil, because he did not live up to their human standard of righteousness.
Yet he was known as a “good” man. So on the issue of ‘evil’ or ‘good’ the son of God was thought to be on the wrong side. Aside from the Hebrew scripture portrayal of God (another subject), wasn’t what Jesus represented to us what we all admire: love, tolerance, forgiveness, GOODNESS.
Paul said in Rom. 5:7 “ For hardly will anyone die for a righteous [man]; indeed, for the good [man], perhaps, someone even dares to die.” Obviously goodness is superior to righteousness. Righteousness is about our own personal justification. It is limited to us only and pursuit of it is sometime very selfish. But “Goodness” if far superior because it goes beyond our own needs and looks out for other people. Thus the Jews and Pharisees of Jesus illustration passed by the wounded man but the ‘good’ Samaritan stopped and helped.
We JW’s and X’s tend to be obsessed with righteousness or unrighteousness which is limited and personal. But you focused on the real issues in my mind, “helping, loving and sharing what you have with others”. This is GOODNESS. This is what Jesus was all about. Hope to discuss this more sometime.