JameThomas, also Evilforce and poppers,
Early in this thread, back in May of last year, I joined in this discussion and said,
Many, especially those like myself who want to keep a grip on the allusion of reality, will not take the leap until we see some room for validation from science. No science, not even Quantum Mechanics, promotes this type experience because science is not into "experiencing" in research but only OBSERVATION. Yet anyone who understands what Quantum Physics has found, contrary to what they expected to find according to the Newtonian world view, must fight the tendency to wonder about the possibility that our perception of reality is only that, A PERCEPTION. From there even skeptics as myself may feel justified in asking, "is there a reality beyond this perception". I have, since youth, had a sense of connection to something. After leaving the WT I decided it was all a fraud and my feelings were imagined. Then I got hooked on science and found more reason to question my perception of reality then to question my spiritual "experience".
I was ready then to trust "experience" at that point. In the mid summer a friend responding to my interests gave me a book on meditation: "The Eight Minute Guide to Meditaion". I cannot describe what an impact it has had on me. (example: my blood pressure was lower than it had been in 15 years, and off meds)
Yet my appreciation for the "allusion" (physical world) I refer to above has increased. I still occasionally let myself get caught up in the daily anxieties but no longer refer to them as "anxieties of life". They are the anxieties that rob us of "life".
Thanks again for starting this thread. How about a new one on MEDITATION?