Hi freydo
I think you will find I did answer them, first saying "jesus" and then wanting you to clarify if you meant the original languages the bible was written and inspired in, which is Ancient hebrew, Aramaic and Greek?
Hi Isaac
Your point really isn't to do with pronouciation but usage which is a different Topic. I would like to clarify things first.
Do you think the hebrew scriptures are the inspired word of God as well as the Greek?
So when they wrote YHWH 7000 times This is the name for God?
Because your words seem to hint that the greek scriptures cancel this name out, which they don't. Jesus quoted the Hebrew texts many times as did various writers of the Greek scriptures, upholding them. It is only logical that we use God's name from the hebrew for when it is quoting from hebrew. Rather than the unispired "lord" a later false addition to the hebrew scriptures. Also "lord" is clearly used in the greek to indicate our father Jehovah but also his son which leads to a confusion on identity which is not logical. Since no original manuscripts from the greek exist the nearest being about 70+ years away, I agree with witnesses that it was likely that the greek scriptures like the hebrew replaced "YHWH" with "Lord" due to superstition on the part of later copyists.
Jesus words make no indication that God's name is to be changed to "Lord" quite the contrary.
Matthew 6:9 (New International Version)
9 "This, then, is how you should pray:
" 'Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
What name was Jesus refering too? YHWH
John 12:28
" Father, glorify Your name " Then a voice came out of heaven: "I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again."
John 17:26 (New American Standard Bible)
26 and (A) I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that (B) the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them."
The only name Jesus could be refering to is YHWH/Jehovah or are you saying he is talking about the title "lord" here?
The BIble itself tells us Jehovah/YHWH is Almighty God's name we are not adding something that isn't already in the bible and unless Your arguing that "Lord" is God's new name? I cannot see a point to your argument? Why would God give us his name YHWH/Jehovah 7000 times only to take it away? and not tell his son this either, who was clearly using it and making it known?
Jehovah's witnesses only add YHWH sparingly 237 times to the Greek (which technically isn't adding to the bible since YHWH is God's inspired name) I know that "Lord" replacing "Jehovah" is used a lot more in the Greek scriptures upto 1000 times. At least 50 of those are direct quotes from the hebrew scriptures and more are references to the hebrew but also to make sense when there is confusion between Jehovah "Lord" and Jesus "Lord"
While I respect your viewpoint Isaac. This YHWH Issue would only highlight peoples doubts in the Bible rather than support anyone's Christian beliefs.