Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other
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Uh oh! WWYD? Please help!
by NiceDream inso i screwed up big time here.
there's a nice young witness who is leaving the "truth".
i sent them a short facebook message and it seems their parent intercepted it...they asked if i sent anything to their kid today.. i said it jws are cultlike, i had doubts i wished i listened to, and to follow their heart.
Biggest Harm Caused by Watchtower in AllTimeJeff Eyes.
by Scott77 in"jw's are an entirely different animal from manson's followers.
they bleed you slowly to death (literally and figuratively), but the biggest harm jw's perpetuate is the lives that are put on hold for "theocratic" activities.
a rich life is denied its members because of their doomsday scenarios' said alltimejeff, a former jehovah's witnesses missionary in west africa.. in view of the recent generation change and interpretation, please, what do you think about that?
Hi carla
We have a worldwide writing and reading program to teach people (which they benefit from even if they discontinue a study), we also have a worldwide sign language program for the deaf. And in disasters we help more people than just witnesses, circumstances allowing but even a government official recognised that if we just helped witnesses we are taking some of the burden off them which they can direct elsewhere and by being first in, we open the ways for others. Our charity work is not done openly as others and our teaching bible morality to people that may have no concept of living by bible standards is also unrecognised. For example the positive changes in a pop idol that becomes a witness is only mocked on here even though many of his fans would be effected positively by his living by bible morality as apposed to supporting drug taking, immorality etc.
Are you limiting charity work only to those on that list of yours, failing to see the recognised good of what we do as witnesses?
As for me personally I keep what I do secret and between me and God not something to brag or justify myself about as you seem to want me too.
Jesus healed the sick and poor and taught us to help those in need but he always emphasised the life-saving preaching work from his father as the first command for us as Christians.
1 Corinthians 1:21
For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.1 Corinthians 1:25
25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
1 Corinthians 15:2
By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.You think preaching about Jehovah is false promises and hope! that is your choice but I believe and have faith in Jehovah and his promises made through his son Jesus and so I do not consider this as wasted. It is for each person to decide for themselves.
Biggest Harm Caused by Watchtower in AllTimeJeff Eyes.
by Scott77 in"jw's are an entirely different animal from manson's followers.
they bleed you slowly to death (literally and figuratively), but the biggest harm jw's perpetuate is the lives that are put on hold for "theocratic" activities.
a rich life is denied its members because of their doomsday scenarios' said alltimejeff, a former jehovah's witnesses missionary in west africa.. in view of the recent generation change and interpretation, please, what do you think about that?
Hi bohm
I have a social conscience that is true but life has made it clear that man is unable to address all our problems, despite all our knowledge and current advances. America will not even put in national health system despite knowing it will greatly benefit the poor (It is now said the poor/needy in America are in the thirdworld poverty status). If you can close your eyes to the suffering of others and live in a selfish bubble then sure it is a fine thing.
But sometimes even for middleclass fairly well-off people as ourselves. We do get touched by the reality of this world, as the recent depression did wake up a few. Or when some mad gunman just runs out and kills people in their thought to be untoucheable world. Or if they have a child or grandchild born with an uncurable disability. Or the inevitable consequences of aging when even the plastic surgeons knife cannot hide the wrinkles. Or knowing we cannot protect ourselves of those we love from the evil actions of others. When the good things that happen become fewer against the bad. When we do something we instantly regret but cannot change it or the consequences that may cause terrible harm to ourselves or others.
Hi paulpollis
By choosing Jehovah God through his son Jesus's sacrifice we are choosing the the way for mankind to live! If there is this alternative why should I accept the futile reality?
Is all religion based on male power?
by ThomasCovenant insomething in the news, i think, about women clergy got me thinking that all religion, particularly in the past, has been based on man's superiority over women.
i, for one, wouldn't want to join any religion in which i was second class to penis less people.. i was after all made in god's image whereas women were not.. .
i can't help but think that religion has been a great force for perpetuating sexual discrimination.. .
Since women get exactly the same inheritance as men both earthly and heavenly and their role as a helpmate to man in the bible in no way lessons this. Then this shows the fault is with those that see this as a lesser role. Being submissive to men doesn't make women less equal it is just a different role. Do we accept women are weaker physically? Do we accept men cannot physically give birth to children? You are just confusing different roles.
Biggest Harm Caused by Watchtower in AllTimeJeff Eyes.
by Scott77 in"jw's are an entirely different animal from manson's followers.
they bleed you slowly to death (literally and figuratively), but the biggest harm jw's perpetuate is the lives that are put on hold for "theocratic" activities.
a rich life is denied its members because of their doomsday scenarios' said alltimejeff, a former jehovah's witnesses missionary in west africa.. in view of the recent generation change and interpretation, please, what do you think about that?
Hi bohm
Good question! Yes I would be unhappy. It is too limiting and harmful, I find myself too aware of those in need in poverty of poorer nations that have to suffer so I in a richer nation can have more. The selfishness of people for themselves or just for their family is very off-putting. Then you see the mad dash for inheritances from dead relatives as greed overwhelms their offspring.
Would you be prepared to ask this of a child dying of aids in africa? or a native american still living on reserves after their own land was ripped away from them? Or a person living on handouts because they are to ill/old/disabled/lacking education to get out of their poverty trap?
I saw a program last night about cosmetic surgeons that went to vietnam to help for 7 days the multiple people left with facial disfigurments after many years of harmful chemicals released around them from the war (they have one of the highest rates for disfigurments for any country). There was a massive line of people (mostly kids with face tumours) but they could only help a few. It was unutterably sad and moving.
What this world does provide, is many avenues of escapism entertainment that stop us seeing our lack.
Biggest Harm Caused by Watchtower in AllTimeJeff Eyes.
by Scott77 in"jw's are an entirely different animal from manson's followers.
they bleed you slowly to death (literally and figuratively), but the biggest harm jw's perpetuate is the lives that are put on hold for "theocratic" activities.
a rich life is denied its members because of their doomsday scenarios' said alltimejeff, a former jehovah's witnesses missionary in west africa.. in view of the recent generation change and interpretation, please, what do you think about that?
Hi scott
If you are happy with what this world and existence offers within it's three score years and ten then jeff certainly has a point.
1 John 2:16-17 (New International Version)
16 For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
Faith reaching out beyond what we see and can do is a mark of our faith in Jehovah.
Hebrews 11:1 (New International Version)
1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
It is two different choices that are laid before us. And it is understandable that if you choose the realness of the now in this world that you would consider this the preferred choice.
Isaiah 22:13
But see, there is joy and revelry, slaughtering of cattle and killing of sheep, eating of meat and drinking of wine! "Let us eat and drink," you say, "for tomorrow we die!" -
Help with refining these questions for JW's
by S EIGHT ini am slowly building a list of questions designed to help jw's "think" about the "truth".
please let me know if you think they can be refined or added to.. cheers,.
1. specifically, what was jesus looking for in 1918 when he looked upon the earth to identify his faithful and discrete slave?.
Hi fester
In a word .... heaven! We have his attention now but his Full return happens at Armageddon and even then it is done from heaven as he will never come to earth as a man again since he is now a spirit being in heaven. He sacrificed his earthly life as a man for the whole of mankind so we could have life through his sacrifice.
Help with refining these questions for JW's
by S EIGHT ini am slowly building a list of questions designed to help jw's "think" about the "truth".
please let me know if you think they can be refined or added to.. cheers,.
1. specifically, what was jesus looking for in 1918 when he looked upon the earth to identify his faithful and discrete slave?.
Hi Isaac
Since people on here are taught what they should question and disbelieve regarding witnesses. I think it is an entirely valid question. If a consequence of leaving witnesses means you have to go on various sites to get the info to disagree with witnesses. This would indicate a lack of original thinking and freedom you are all trying to say you have.
I find people that disagree with witnesses rarely mention anything but learned rhetoric of various internet sites like this one. NGO, 607, generation, mind control (always ironic with regard to their learned rhetoric) being only a few of the main ones. That they do not seem to be able to talk outside of these.
YMCA now I am mad!!!
by loosie ini talked to a current jw today and he told me that it came out in print from the wtbts that you can be a memebr of the ymca as long as you don't associate with the other worldlys that go there..
just a few years ago i was told that i couldn't be at the ymca because it was a christian org.. .
Young Men's Christian Association.
"Many of our values are rooted in the Chrisitan faith. Indeed, YMCA is an abbreviation of Young Men's Christian Association.
The following looks at what the 'C' in the YMCA - the Christian - means to us, and how we think it helps to make our work unique. "
The YMCA is not a church, nor is it affiliated to any particular denominational expression of Christianity.
However, many YMCAs across England have developed close working relationships with local church groups, as well as with other voluntary organisations that share our ethos and aims.
YMCAs will also provide a place to meet and pray for those who follow other world faiths.
</form></form></form></form></form> </form></form></form></form></form></form>
</form>site map site YMCA directory Make a donation Take part in an event Job vacancies YMCA Directory YMCA Online Shop The YMCA is not a church, nor is it affiliated to any particular denominational expression of Christianity.
However, many YMCAs across England have developed close working relationships with local church groups, as well as with other voluntary organisations that share our ethos and aims.
YMCAs will also provide a place to meet and pray for those who follow other world faiths.
</form></form></form></form></form> </form></form></form></form></form></form>
</form>site map site YMCA directory Make a donation Take part in an event Job vacancies YMCA Directory YMCA Online Shop The YMCA is not a church, nor is it affiliated to any particular denominational expression of Christianity.
However, many YMCAs across England have developed close working relationships with local church groups, as well as with other voluntary organisations that share our ethos and aims.
YMCAs will also provide a place to meet and pray for those who follow other world faiths.
</form></form></form></form></form> </form></form></form></form></form></form>
</form>site map site YMCA directory Make a donation Take part in an event Job vacancies YMCA Directory YMCA Online Shop -
New evidence 75,000 years ago a Supervolcano caused mass human and animal extinction...but no evidence for a global flood. Why?
by Witness 007 inlake toba indonisia is a huge volcano which four independant groups {volcano, genetic, ocean, climate, scientists} have confimed caused a "bottlekneck in human evolution.
" the ash cloud reached thousands of miles away, and caused a massive ice age, killing 60% of the 60 million people on earth.
it took thousands of years for plant and animal life to return to normal.
Note the word theory! it is only a theory they weren't there! Racial memory from many diverse groups supports a global flood happening. but since we can't literally flood the world completely atm to see what would be the markers of such a flood then they cannot know what to look for. darwinist experts which the majority are have a vested interest in disproving the bible and going for any other conclusion for the bottleneck.