HI coffee black
if they fit the bible creteria to a T you and others would not have to heavily edit deut 18 scriptures and goto extra-biblical sources, reading a claim for inspiration into witnesses ignoring our denials from our inception onwards.
my mom is addicted to the wts.
i've recently brought up the many false prophecies and she calls almost every week to show me new things that the society has said about false prophets and how they are not one.. the latest was the account where king david wanted to build god a temple.
he told nathan the prophet about his idea and nathan basically said, well god is with you, you should do it.
HI coffee black
if they fit the bible creteria to a T you and others would not have to heavily edit deut 18 scriptures and goto extra-biblical sources, reading a claim for inspiration into witnesses ignoring our denials from our inception onwards.
my mom is addicted to the wts.
i've recently brought up the many false prophecies and she calls almost every week to show me new things that the society has said about false prophets and how they are not one.. the latest was the account where king david wanted to build god a temple.
he told nathan the prophet about his idea and nathan basically said, well god is with you, you should do it.
we still seem to be struggling with understanding the meaning of being "Inspired" and the fact Jehovah's witnesses have never claimed this.
Despite our denials you still want to build a claim for inspiration from our many wts which is your choice but we openly deny it.
Is it so hard to understand that we can still be God's people even if we no longer have the gift of inspiration?
Hi billy
It is reasonable to conclude I believe they are God's people because they do his will and have been blessed by the ability to have Bible truths far beyond the attempts of other Christian faiths still lost in the midst of false doctrines. If the watchtower and assemblies talk on the bible they are doing Jehovah's will while still not being inspired. When they use the bible they are using God's word.
By following God's word the bible we are following Jehovah. By praying to Jehovah our father and asking for his guidance we are doing his will.
Do you think we can still be inspired directly in this time? Is that what you are looking for?
from an earlier topic-.
"moshe, ready for another biblical smackdown?.
The point with blood is the dietary laws all ended with the Jews but the blood law continued Paul still stressed it's importance when bringing Christianity to gentiles for them to obey. This points to it being more than a dietary law. this makes Blood a principle law.
Acts 15:20
Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.
If it was just dietary why didn't it end like the other dietary laws did?
my mom is addicted to the wts.
i've recently brought up the many false prophecies and she calls almost every week to show me new things that the society has said about false prophets and how they are not one.. the latest was the account where king david wanted to build god a temple.
he told nathan the prophet about his idea and nathan basically said, well god is with you, you should do it.
Hi billy
Do not put words in my mouth. I accept they are not inspired as the apostles and early prophets where (as witnesses admit themselves) but I also accept they show the fruitage of God's blessing and spirit guidance by the amount of biblical truths they have so hense why I am a witness. They have the authority that has been passed down by Jesus to us his flock on earth by doing his father's will we make ourselves his people and have shepherds among ourselves as per Bible requirements.
Who is the one working for God those that sit on the side critiziing or those actually doing the work?
Hi coffee black
Not all prophets where inspired this has already been shown biblically as in the case of miriam. Also those that where inspired could make mistakes in their own words like nathan with predictions. So both is covered. You have to claim specific inspiration from God directly.
my mom is addicted to the wts.
i've recently brought up the many false prophecies and she calls almost every week to show me new things that the society has said about false prophets and how they are not one.. the latest was the account where king david wanted to build god a temple.
he told nathan the prophet about his idea and nathan basically said, well god is with you, you should do it.
Hi donny
MY understanding of Christendom is from personal observation. I "tested the spirit" of as many as I came across. Some things are easy like an unbiblical triune God worshiped instead of Jehovah our father, God kept namelss deliberately using only titles like God, lord, allah(which simply means God) etc. Or like Mormons that added a claim of personal inspiration after the apostles for their book of mormon. Or going against Bible absolutes like immorality, idolatry, killing etc Witnesses are far beyond them in bible truths and harmony. But that is for each person to decide for themselves.
If we speak from the bible we have God's words on our lips.
1 Peter 4:11
If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.
Confidence in our being Jehovah's people speaking from his word the Bible is not the issue here but the claim for direct inspiration from Jehovah every single witness knows we teach this ended with the apostles and do not claim it for ourselves.
Hi coffee black
There is a reason why we are a flock with shepherds we are not meant to be individuals breaking out our own versions of God from our own inclinations. Being together, searching, gathering, praying together blesses us with greater truths.
Matthew 18:20
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
I do not see witnesses as false prophets because they simply do not fit the Bible creteria for being false prophets by claiming direct inspiration from God or claiming to do great signs or miracles or claim to be christ unlike others. So I think your need to condemn witnesses I feel is showing your cognitive dissonance on this topic
my mom is addicted to the wts.
i've recently brought up the many false prophecies and she calls almost every week to show me new things that the society has said about false prophets and how they are not one.. the latest was the account where king david wanted to build god a temple.
he told nathan the prophet about his idea and nathan basically said, well god is with you, you should do it.
HI coffee black and bennyk
We are just running around in circles. I hold to the bible and a unque ability to be inspired (thus how the bible was written and identified as God's word )and You want to blur this to being a prophet and making them accountable from every word as if they where inspired despite what deut 18 says. Jehovah's witnesses have never claimed inspiration and thats my point from the start you can blur this all you want, you can even try and read a claim for it into wt's but you cannot get them to openly declare it when all we have ever done is deny this ability because we know it ended with the apostles.
If all you can do is resort to cut-n-pastes from wt's and no longer using the bible, I rest my case and leave it to the readers to decide for themselves. The case for what is inpired and what isn't.
I reiterate we have the Bible example of a PROPHET Nathan making a mistaken prediction in his own words and not getting condemned for it only corrected by God this shows that God knows the difference.
my mom is addicted to the wts.
i've recently brought up the many false prophecies and she calls almost every week to show me new things that the society has said about false prophets and how they are not one.. the latest was the account where king david wanted to build god a temple.
he told nathan the prophet about his idea and nathan basically said, well god is with you, you should do it.
Hi bennyk
If simply calling yourself a prophet was the issue Deut !8:18 wouldn't clarify that they are claiming to speak the words from God himself. This is also doesn't put impossible ask on Bible prophets for their every word to be inspired. Right back to the beginning of this debate we saw Nathan the prophet made a mistake predicting in his own words something wrong but when he did Get Jehovah's words and correction this was cleared up but according to you he should have been condemned.
my mom is addicted to the wts.
i've recently brought up the many false prophecies and she calls almost every week to show me new things that the society has said about false prophets and how they are not one.. the latest was the account where king david wanted to build god a temple.
he told nathan the prophet about his idea and nathan basically said, well god is with you, you should do it.
Hi cold steel
What modern Dictionaries say is not the issue. The point here is the bible meaning of "inspiration" any Jew or Christian knows the Bible books/letters are special cases of this and why no other books/letters written at those times are consider inspired. This specific ability stopped with the apostles. If you start blurring it, why would we even use the Bible? You are deconstructing the Bible by denying that inspiration can specifically happen. And that words can be inspired/straight from God and this is what Deut 18 is refering too, Jesus the messiah would have this specifically and hense why we have 4 gospels written about what he spoke to us.
As for Sabbath this is a side issue but Sabbaths ended with Jesus because he is fulfillment of the sabbath he is our Lord of the sabbath.
Mark 2:28
So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."
Luke 6:4-5 (New International Version)
4 He entered the house of God, and taking the consecrated bread, he ate what is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions." 5 Then Jesus said to them, "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
I am not arguing that every religion believes they are the one, it simply goes with the territory but being God's people means knowing him and Jesus his son and doing God's will. It is not enough just to say you are. Christian religions use a 1000 scriptures to do with God's name but they still don't use it.
Zechariah 13:9
This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, 'Jehovah is our God.' "
I am a Jehovah's witness because I looked at all these and thankfully saw the truth of the Bible that God has granted them. Are they perfect? no (but then no one could be accept Jesus) Do they still make mistakes? yes, but they turn to God's word the Bible for correction and setting things straight not man-made doctrines or proof texting scriptures taken out of harmony with the bible to support their unbiblical ideas .
When I compare witnesses with other Christian religions I see a fragmentmented Christendom with a few truths amidst a load of man-made doctrines. Then I see witnesses with massive simple and clear bible truths, a hard-working people simply trying to do Jehovah's will.
my mom is addicted to the wts.
i've recently brought up the many false prophecies and she calls almost every week to show me new things that the society has said about false prophets and how they are not one.. the latest was the account where king david wanted to build god a temple.
he told nathan the prophet about his idea and nathan basically said, well god is with you, you should do it.
Hi Black Coffee
The Bible isn't a pick'n'mix Where you choose the bits you like and ignore the rest. Also scriptures don't cancel each other out. You have to find ways to harmonise it all and that includes our instructions to have shepherds that direct us under Jesus our way to his father Jehovah our Almighty God.
Jesus gave them authority like his father gave him authority.
2 Corinthians 10:8
For even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than pulling you down, I will not be ashamed of it.
Our using shepherds/overseers was established the minute Jesus left and we will have shepherds looking after the flock until Armageddon. The scriptures make it clear we choose elders and overseers from among ourselves and not some celestial hand pointing down from heaven.
1 Timothy 3:1
[ Overseers and Deacons ] Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task.
1 Timothy 3:2
Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,
my mom is addicted to the wts.
i've recently brought up the many false prophecies and she calls almost every week to show me new things that the society has said about false prophets and how they are not one.. the latest was the account where king david wanted to build god a temple.
he told nathan the prophet about his idea and nathan basically said, well god is with you, you should do it.
Hi Olin
Spinning this around doesn't change the scriptures. Many of these you quote did claim to have direct contact with God even if they used the bible as well. But if we are being particular to this current time they will be deceiving people with apparent signs and miracles as well.
Matthew 24:24
For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.
It also shows some will claim to be Messiah/Christ also.
Whichever way you twist and turn Olin, witnesses simply don't fit the creteria you would put on them.
The Witnesses take on all these like Davis Koresh among others is simple.
1 Corinthians 5:13
God will judge those outside.
We will only repeat what we know from the Bible that if anyone claims to directly speak to Jehovah himself falsely and get inspiration from God directly they are false prophets.