Hi Bez
I try not to go into the realms of speculation. The bible says all who died will be resurrected and it is upto Jehovah to set the criteria for life and when it starts, which biblically indicates fetus's, psalms etc. Also People have no idea what will happen to babies at Armageddon and even if there will be any. The Bible only talks of ungodly people dying, Jesus spoke of one man being taken and another left. Armageddon sounds like a scarpel finely cutting off rotten dying flesh and givng a chance for what is healthy to live, heal and grow.
Jesus is King and the image of his Father Jehovah and he likes children.
Mark 10:16
And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
I trust Jehovah and his son Jesus that however harsh Armageddon is, not one single innocent life will be destroyed and many will get a life that was denied them previously. And I think you'll find all witnesses feel this way.
Has a seven week old fetus aborted at the whim of it's parents got a right to the life they denied it? How will he do this? I have no idea but he has power overall life. If we humans made in his image can in one ward be keeping alive a child only 20 weeks old born to early and yet in another ward be aborting a baby of the same age? how can that be right? I trust Jehovah is certainly not like that.
I guess it boils down to how you view God! God could leave us alone to our own self-destruction. The Majority no longer even believe in him and so rejected him. They choose to believe that they are born to a finite life so can they really quibble if this is all they get?
In this area humans simply cannot do what Jehovah can. No humans government has found a way to protect humans from each other.
As I said earlier the Jews expected Jesus to destroy the Romans and become king. Well Jesus did become king and he did set up his father's kingdom but not one single life was lost in that happening except his own. He managed to do this in a way that completely confounded human expectations at the time.
Now people say how can God do this without killing innocents? Well through his son he did it before confounding a blood-thirsty people. You have to wonder why it is Jesus and not one of the many human rulers that ruled for Jehovah that has been made king? Jesus record has always been love, peace and sacrifice (although no shyness of condemning wrongdoers either) and yet he says he does nothing of his own initative only what his Father taught him.
I have no problem trusting Jehovah or his son Jesus in this. If Jehovah was as blood-thirsty as you seem to want to make him, why would he have sent us his son?
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.