Hi darthfader
Define business? Ours is a voluntary and non-profit organisation, we offer weekly bible studies for free for as long as a person wants them from our own time and free publications and bibles in multiple languages. So people all have the opportunity to learn about Jehovah God and his son Jesus. Our donations are from among ourselves.
People have a creteria of what they consider acceptable charity work..spirtual feeding is becoming very low on that list, if on it at all!
Feed the hungry? yes charity.
help the disabled? yes charity?
help the aged? yes charity?
build pretty gardens and parks? yes charity.
Cat sanctuary? yes charity
Feed people spiritual knowledge about God and teach his word the Bible?...NO it's not real, God isn't real! religions need to prove they do charitable things like above. Never mind what God people believe in.
You think the governments should have a money slice of our spiritual choices?
The fruitage of this is religions will have to drop God and do acceptable charity work instead!
Hi math
I refer you to the above and add
So if a religion makes too much money a government is allowed to cream some off for themselves?