Hi Isaac
I am talking about the true Christians that (despite the trinitarian 1500 year deathhold on religious doctrine) were able to recognise and tell others about revealed bible truths since the early Christians.
Hi jookbeard
If you look at history many people questioned trinity and various man-made doctrines used in religion but they were doing so under the threat of death and imprisonment (arius lost his defence of bible truths and he died and all his papers destroyed with many followers of those teachings from the bible). But once the threat was lifted 200 years ago to a great degree, we were able to really look at the Bible and find out what God's word actually teaches straight from 1st century mouths for ourselves. Russell and his fellow Bible students rediscovered unique Bible truths that mark us as very different from trinity-based faiths.
So there were honest-hearted Christians that saw pure bible truths from Jehovah despite the "delusion" on Christendom.
Hi the finger
Your just making assumptions they have never said Armageddon had to happen on the exact date after the creative day ended but that it would hopefully happen soon after (which we still say now)
Hi dysfuntion
If your mum saw witnesses selling houses yet didn't join till after 75 then she was seeing them do it for a different reason.
Hi Ding
A lot is hearsay when they say "I know such and such person did this". Others are personal but subjective experience which is not reliable like the story were you have 7 blind men describing various parts of an elephant. We know the watchtowers didn't make dfefinite doctrinal connection between the 6000 years and Armageddon they use "hopeful" terms. The enthusiasm that swept through the Witnesses isn't denied but it was the People themselves running Ahead in their enthusiasm.
Some on here were just children remembering parents being enthusiastic and others in congregations where they have seen full-on enthusasm by members of the congregation. But to this day we expect Armageddon at anytime soon and that hasn't changed.
Are you expecting me to answer that fallacy loaded question? Witnesses have been refined on prophecy and a few culturally forced changes but our main doctrines have remain unchanged since our start and remain very right. Atm I consider the Jehovah's Witnesses the most Biblically right religion going by a mile and half.
Hi Viola
You are remembering the over-enthusiasm not an actual doctrinal teaching the '75 will definitely be Armageddon. They are not scared of putting chonological dates in publications. 1914 proves this so they would have put it down definitely not just saying things like "maybe, hopefully"
Hi heart of boy.
a/ The date it is written is irrelevent you are reading 75 into because it is before 75 but it makes no mention of 75. You are simply reading it into it.
b/ never growing old was atsandard expression when we thought "generation" was only one group of people and so within their lifetime. again nothing to do with '75 ("generation" again)
c/ Not pushing for worldly goals inc education is again a standard line nothing to do with 75. (ask blondie how much we mention it!)
d/ Again emphasising we are in the last days with the emphasis on the "generation" teaching.
e/ Again just the standard Party line of "it will be soon"
f/ The year is not mentioned but the readers would have believed the within "generation" teaching at that time and clearly thought it would be soon.
If you put this forwards as a representative article of Witnesses originally thinking that Armageddon would happen within the "generation" of the group that saw 1914 I would have agreed with you. but you are simply being dishonest trying to put it on '75.