justifying Birthdays and Xmas.
1/ how do we know they didn't celebrate Birthdays they ehh might of.
Secular history completely supports Christians taking a stand against Birthdays until about the 3rd century. The Bible has no problem mentioning Jewish or Christian dates of importance! Birthdays are shown to be pagan. The Jewish Calender doesn't even lend itself to celebrating a fixed yearly date that is not how it works, Don't you ever wonder why the passover always changes date?
2/ Well they didn't celebrate wedding anniversaries.
Wedding anniversaries are from the Middle ages not Jesus's time so this is simply a false comparison. Although Jesus did goto a wedding showing this is a God sanctioned institution as apposed to the pagan born Birthdays.
3/ They are no longer pagan.
The older sense of classical Latin paganus is "of the country, rustic" (also as noun). It has been argued that the transferred use reflects the fact that the ancient idolatry lingered on in the rural villages and hamlets after Christianity had been accepted in the towns and cities of the Roman Empire
Xmas and Birthdays are still the Biggest pagan celebrations around the world to date.
What happens if you try and redo a pagan celebration and try and give it a Christian make-over to make it more palatable?
Does it become Christian or does it remain what it is?
Easter (to the goddess Eostre) - Pagan fertility celebration that was attempted to be made-over as recognition of Jesus death centuries ago. What is it current status. It is still known for eggs, bunnies, rebirth and spring etc celebrating these and any pretence at Christianity is lost in the majority of people.
Halloween (all saints eve) - An attempt to make-over into Christian and dead Saints. This one has completely reverted to it's ghost and ghoulie pagan traditions.
Xmas (saturnalia) - Made-over as a celebration of jesus's birth supposed to be a mass( no longer even done on the 25th) This is still celebrated with the same pagan traditions it always has and the majority of the world no longer recognises any pretence at Jesus's birth connection prefering a newer pagan tradition of a red dressed, bearded coca-cola Santa to Jesus.
You can justify Birthdays and xmas all you like but you cannot change the reality of what they were and currently are! The biggest celebrations by pagans in the world today.
What is there attraction of them for you?
If you reject the bible and Christianity why do you now do these?
Isn't it because they represent the opposite of what you have rejected?
Many on here say religion is meaningless to them now but they happily celebrate these, why?
Because if you are completely honest with yourself they have nothing to do with religion and would be off-putting to you if they did! And even if religions try and adopt them they remain what they are which is pagan worldly celebrations you now want to do.
You want to embrace the world and it's traditions it doesn't get clearer than wanting to do the worlds Biggest pagan celebrations (that have no uncomfortable glorification of a God you now reject in them)! be honest with yourselves at least.