A person can study the bible with any christian Faith and test them against the bible
Anonymous4 has seen that we have Biblical truth in our teachings yet is going to be stumbled by the anti-witness rhetoric on here.
I find that sad.
had a good look into the doctrine, beliefs and practices of jws and to be honest, i don't really see anything wrong with it at all.. it's biblical and i've had such an eye opener the past year or so reading some of their books and magazines .
is there really any real reasons why i shouldn't want to get involved further?
A person can study the bible with any christian Faith and test them against the bible
Anonymous4 has seen that we have Biblical truth in our teachings yet is going to be stumbled by the anti-witness rhetoric on here.
I find that sad.
had a good look into the doctrine, beliefs and practices of jws and to be honest, i don't really see anything wrong with it at all.. it's biblical and i've had such an eye opener the past year or so reading some of their books and magazines .
is there really any real reasons why i shouldn't want to get involved further?
Hi Mrs jones
I just refer you to the whole of the Bible! read and see that God has a united people from beginning to end and gave us the bible for that purpose. Unity among Jehovah's people is a massive Bible theme! a basic one too.
I shouldn't have to quote scripture and verse for such an obvious truth! yet I will if You want me too?
had a good look into the doctrine, beliefs and practices of jws and to be honest, i don't really see anything wrong with it at all.. it's biblical and i've had such an eye opener the past year or so reading some of their books and magazines .
is there really any real reasons why i shouldn't want to get involved further?
Hi Danabug
Where is your biblical basis for telling people to study the bible alone without help from others?
Quite the contrary the Biblical point is that we guide, preach and teach as Christians explaining the Bible truths to others. Letting those like the Bereans check what we say against the Bible for verification. At no point are we just meant to hand over the Bible and say "there you go, do that"
Your argument is an unbiblical one!
And where does it say "we are individually alone biblically? We are a congregation, a flock, a united people"
Individualism is not a bible teaching
had a good look into the doctrine, beliefs and practices of jws and to be honest, i don't really see anything wrong with it at all.. it's biblical and i've had such an eye opener the past year or so reading some of their books and magazines .
is there really any real reasons why i shouldn't want to get involved further?
Hi Outlaw
We are not just meant to quote the Bible like a mantra. We are supposed to use it like a tool. The wt's refer us to the bible and show us the bible explanations for what we believe. They refer everything to scripture and demonstrably so. The bible itself mentions various writings in both the hebrew and greek scripture that while not inspired clearly showed the allowance for written work outside of God's word directing us too God's word.
So they are Bible studies there is not one where we do not goto the Bible for reference and guidance.
debator said: " coc is not the holy grail.
it is just an imperfection of men fallacy argument!
i'm surprised it still works on people.
Hi Td
CoC is all about showing Ray's personal opinion on the fallibility of human interactions in parts of our organisation we never really had much contact with as a whole. What were people expecting? infallibility? We have never claimed perfection or infallibility. So why be stumbled by a book that shows our innate human fallibility in all parts of our organisation?
I plead nothing that we haven't always said!
We lost some mystery and gained some reality but nothing surprising unless people were putting false expectation of perfection onto our shepherds.
debator said: " coc is not the holy grail.
it is just an imperfection of men fallacy argument!
i'm surprised it still works on people.
Hi wasblind
Imperfection means we can and do make mistakes and The bible gives us ample proof of that. We are given the bible to help correct and avoid those mistakes but it doesn't stop them happening.
God's people are not marked by their lack of mistakes but their reliance on Jehovah and his word to be refined and be corrected from them.
You use one example which is prophecy interpretation (an easy target) since it involves recognising signs in the world around us for Biblical prophetic fulfilment.
If you example was more honest I would give you more credit. When has any biblical prophecy been 100% except in hindsight?
It is a biblical fact that we do get surprised by how God's prophecies work out despite being told about them. The best we can do is be prepared "keep on watch" Which is what we are doing as Jehovah's witnesses.
in my introductory post i told about the jws that have been visiting me at my sil's request.
at first i spoke with them for her sake, then found i liked them anyway.
what i didn't like was the literature, especially the stuff trying to disprove evolution.
Hi moshe
I said "established evidence" that isn't majority opinion but archaeological data and historical reference material. How do we know any historical figure existed? We have written, stored, carved data etc on them from various sources. There is ample proof of this to support Jesus's literal existence as a person, in fact a lot more than a good number of popular historical figures have but we still doubt he exists? why?
in my introductory post i told about the jws that have been visiting me at my sil's request.
at first i spoke with them for her sake, then found i liked them anyway.
what i didn't like was the literature, especially the stuff trying to disprove evolution.
Hi Nickolas
Word games again? "Proto-human-like" that is just a way of saying "okay they weren't brutish ape-like but we can still say they weren't as complex as us" but that one is losing weight too because they are finding these so-called proto-humans to be increasingly complex as us. And still a glaring lack of the brutish ape-like ancestor they apparently came from.
in my introductory post i told about the jws that have been visiting me at my sil's request.
at first i spoke with them for her sake, then found i liked them anyway.
what i didn't like was the literature, especially the stuff trying to disprove evolution.
Hi Retrovirus
your words seem to be accepting of the ridiculous claim on this forum that they are a cult when demonstrably they are not.
Evolution is tricky... firstly because it removes itself from Abiogenesis. Next because in many ways it is just renaming God's incredibly designed processes and uses them as proof while it areas of greatest flaws are ignored like... Abiogenesis, species jumping, the odds involved of chance happenings from the cellular to complex mechanisms. the unpalatability of "chaos", The current population of the world fitting the Bible time frame mathematically and not evolution time frame which would make us vastly unpopulated given the millions of years involved against propagation of the species. civilisation not savagery as origin (early ancestors where observably complex civilisations not ape-like brutes from the evolution theory), laws on recessive genes mean they still show up in next generations and "ape-like to man" is in direct denial of this fundamental law we should still have regressive ape-like creatures showing up in the population. The extreme Immobility of certain species plants and animals making it impossible for them to be world-wide yet they are, while others are only found in one place and no other. Time is used as the excuse to cover the guesswork.
Evolutionists cling to what they do know while ignoring the glaring problems. It is a classic popular majority-opinion relying on it's popularity to give it credibility as "proof".
in my introductory post i told about the jws that have been visiting me at my sil's request.
at first i spoke with them for her sake, then found i liked them anyway.
what i didn't like was the literature, especially the stuff trying to disprove evolution.
Hi Nickolas
Word trickery is not going to work with me! "Evolution doesn't change it evolves" I lolled at that one! So men coming from Apes changing oops evolving to men coming from ape-like ancesters is just evolving not changing opinion? and the fact that many different evolutionists hold totally differing opinions is just evolving?.
From sludge to man in a billion years with hundreds of variable opinions on it! The major assumption being that there can be no other model for our existence. So they refine and rework the theory within the assumed evolutionary framework so there remains very little similarity between what Darwin believed against what is believed now. Darwin gave you the title and evolutionists just change oops evolve the content under it.
Like most theories I expect it will disprove itself.
There can be only one basic truth that is a reality of our existence. But we can and do have differing opinions on it. The differing opinions do not allow for different truths only for the other opinions to be disproved when the real one is revealed.
You talk of cognitive dissonance when you own defence of the ever-changing evolution theory smacks of it?
Yes it is human nature to defend our personal beliefs clinging to ever-greater outrageous claims against the battering of reality but my belief in God is set against the reality of the immeasurably harmonious complexity of intelligent design around me and my belief that Jehovah's witnesses are Jehovah's people in this time against the reality of what the bible actually teaches as opposed to the unbiblical-ness of other so-called Christian religions.
You try to divide Jehovah witnesses and the watchtower and tract society when we are the same thing, it would be more honest to say you are dividing the sheep from the shepherds. Anti-authority wrapped up in word trickery.
If you had no hate towards Jehovah's witnesses why are you trying to stop your family being Jehovah's witnesses? If your desire is to stop them being Jehovah's witnesses how can you say you don't hate Jehovah's witnesses? It like saying "I don't hate doctors" but refusing to let them practise as doctors or actually be doctors. If there then are no doctors you have succeeded in wiping them out even if the humans that used to be them still exist.
Majority belief has consistently throughout the centuries proven to be no measure of truthfulness.
The highlighted words are just unproven, biased, very spacious opinion and unspecific assumptions from that person. What paradoxes? What universal laws is he referring too? what universal truth is he referring too? how is the bible hodge podge?