Hi Mad dawg
why are you using Baptists as a comparison?
They follow the trinity god so even if they preach that particular god they are not preaching the true message of the Bible. They have 100% failure to preach about Jehovah almighty God.
And Baptists are known for having diverse beliefs differing from church to church. Only the immersion of adults being the one common factor.
99% of Christendom believe loosely in a trinity god which has many different forms but under that heading no two teachings are the same to any great degree.
Most of Jehovah witnesses main biblical doctrines where found and refined quite early on by deep study of real Bible truths letting the Bible explain itself and simply haven't changed since our emergence out of the trinity apostasy.
What is often sneakily used on here as examples for your (less than honest) claims against Witnesses is prophecy fulfilment interpretation which is a continuous process until they are fulfilled which also applies to cultural changes that have to be measured against applied Bible principle.
There is not one single example of People getting condemned for interpreting (Already written) bible prophecy. What you use on here are scriptures refering to people claiming to be inspired and making their own prophecies straight from God which is condemned deut 18 being a classic choice (but carefully edited to ignore the clear reference to claiming words directly from God)
Do you know what is worse about this forum?
It's lack of originality! People on here use the same worn, tired false arguments that are easy to disprove Biblical and are usually just clever word games to justify your positions.