When I was in high school in 1975 they quoted Jacques Cousteau a lot. Among other things he predicted that because of the growing threat of pollution, by the end of the decade, there wouldn't be any marine life left in the ocean. I wasn't supposed to even graduate because armegeddon was supposed to have come...and they had all kinds of evidence that this was true. But here I am with a son who graduated in the year 2000.
In December 31,1999 everyone was hunkering down for something to happen when the clock struck midnight. Remember Y2K...Computers would crash,the worlds banks would collapse, airplanes would crash, trains would crash, the stockmarket would crash. We'd be throwing our money in the street like the bible said.
Three years ago (or two) the Avian flu was supposed to wipe out milions and cause the economy of many countries to crash because there would be too few workers and so much being spent on sick people. Now you rarely hear a word about it.
Then there was the World Peace Summit (I think that's what it was called) more than a decade ago, where all the world religious and political leaders came together to talk about peace. That was suposed to be fulfillment of the Peace and Security prophecy that would occur in the end.
In between all that...someone would always drag up something Nostramus predicted about the upcoming year that was supposed to be "curtains" for the world. I always wondered why he had all those sequential predicitons when the earth was supposed to have ended when his previous predictions came true.
On one hand JW's point out the terrible world conditions as proof that the end is near. On the other hand they say the world's claim of peace and security is what will prove were in the end . Take your pick.
And on it goes...if you live long enough...you'll have a whole list of these. So start writing them down.