I was attending a seminar being conducted at a local Community Center. During the break I wandered around the building. In one of the meeting rooms there was a gathering of about 50-60 Men and boys all looking to be of middle eastern decent. They were all sitting on mats on the floor while an older man was reading sayings from some writings. He read them in the native tounge and then in English. All the men and boys repeated in unison what he said. Everything I heard was very positive and upbuilding...things that sort of sounded like this. " A wise man listens and does not boast...for if he is truly wise, he knows it is because of no special powers of his own "
Later I saw the men and boys all standing in the corridor. The young men were holding little baby boys and cooing and fussing over them. Fathers were holding their little son's hands and the older boys looked so proud to be with their Fathers and the other men.
It was really heartwarming...
Why wouldn't something like this be pleasing to God? Why wasn't I part of something nice like that? I grew up being taught that my Dad was going to be destroyed at Armegeddon because he wasn't a Witness. Now he is gone and I wish I could have told him I realized how much of his life he sacraficed in order to keep our family together. He was alone many nights of the week, worked two jobs so my mom could pioneer and then he died because he signed the No Blood Transfusion paperwork in case it was the right thing to do. I can hardly bear to think about how alone he must have felt all those years and then to have his life end so unnecessarily soon.