Yes there was a rumor about that. I specifically remember in the summer of 1974 ( I was in 11 th grade and the Way We Were was in the Theaters) A Brother Wayne G. raised his hand at the WT study and said "Scientist have reported that there has been a marked increase in carrion birds in the last year." An then proceeded to declare that this was in preperation for the clean up work after the big A. I remember this vividly because the Watchtower conductor, Harold B. said " Unless we can verify this kind of information, lets keep our comments based on whats being brought out in today's study far as I know...this is only a rumor." You could have heard a pin drop....and Wayne G. got mighty red in the face.
Ghoulish Watchtower Cover memories,
Of the way we were,
Scattered literature, next to bodies left behind,
Empty houses that once belonged to others,
now dead, for the way they were,
Can it be that it was all so simple then,
Or have they written all new light,
If they had the chance to do it all again,
Tell me would they?
Could they?
Memories, may be frightening and yet,
What's too painful to remember ,
They simply chose to forget.