I think if you can manage it mentally, there are good reasons to remain. For me it might be the connection I once had with a wide network of people. However I can't imagine having to sit through all those meeitings and Conventions again just to be able to chat with a few friends afterward. I'd be temped during the meetings to let out a loud... HA ! whenever I heard someone say something ridiculous. Toward the end, there was a lot of eye rolling on my part during the meetings and my wife was looking up extra scriptures or taking the time to read the verses before and after the ones being quoted and realizing they were taking things out of context. I definetly couldn't in good conscience do the door to door work or recommend this way of life to anyone except maybe someone who was really down and out and for whom anything would be an improvement. If I were to do it all over again, I wouln't take the whole thing so seriously and just get what good I could, out of it, ignoring the logic the doesn't add up and the pressures to do more and be more. Looking back, I think that's exactly what most of the more balanced ones I met, had been doing all along.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
Is there a reason to remain a JW other than for family?
by cedars inthis strikes me as an important question.
in my short time on this forum it strikes me that many contributors are quite open about keeping a foot in both camps.
some are apparently even elders, serving in positions of authority within their respective congregations.
Molested in 53 another JW Casualty
by exwhyzee ini have a relative who is now about 73 is a really cool, smart old guy a paul newman look alike who has led an interesting and successful life, traveled the world and raised a large family.
he was raised as a witness by his mother whose husband left the family when she became a witness.
many of his siblings and relatives have gone on to be circuit overseers, gilead grads and bethelites but he left the truth when he was in his teens.
I have a relative who is now about 73 is a really cool, smart old guy a Paul Newman look alike who has led an interesting and successful life, traveled the world and raised a large family. He was raised as a Witness by his Mother whose husband left the family when she became a Witness. Many of his siblings and relatives have gone on to be Circuit Overseers, Gilead grads and Bethelites but he left the TRUTH when he was in his teens. He left home suddenly, barely made it through High School, did odd jobs, even lived in his car until getting drafted into the army and going off to fight in Korea.
He and his wife are a very good looking, well to do old couple, very modern and fun to be around. All through the years, because of the Witness thing, they and their kids have only been invited to major family events such as Weddings and funerals. He has taken under his wing, any of the witness relatives who have left the TRUTH and has included them in his family and helped them to make their way after they had been abandoned by theirs. After we left the TRUTH ourselves and the barriers came down, we have gotten to know him mucn better. One hot summer night, we were sitting out on their deck enjoying the evening just talking and getting to know them better. I made a comment to the Uncle about how well he had done for himself over the years.
Uncle: "Well....I guess I've done OK for a guy who never went to College"
Aunt: "You would have if it weren't for....." She stopped herself suddenly in mid sentence.
Uncle: "Now M....don't go into that"
Aunt: "Well, it's true...they said the world was going to end any day.... they didn't even want you to go to bother with High School"
Of course we knew immediately what she was talking about. We'd always sensed that the Aunt had a lot of resentment toward the Witnesses over how her husband was excluded by his family but she was always very gracious to everyone. We told them that we to had recently left the Organization ourselves and understood the whole "end of the world...don't get and education" mindset all to well. We told him about what finally made us leave and the impact it was having on us.
As the evening wore on, he told us something painful that he had up until that very moment, only revealed to his wife. You could still see the shame and embarasment on his face all these years later as he told the story. It turns out that back in 1953 when he was about 15, he was doing some odd jobs for a Sister in his Congregation. After he was finished working, the "sister" led him into the house where he thought he was going to be paid. Instead, as he put it, "she led me into her bedroom and taught me the facts of life" The woman was Married and had small children who were at home in another room.
Long story made short. He coldn't live with the guilt and embarasment over what he'd done. Being only a Boy, he took the responsibility for what happened upon himself instead of realizing that he was only a kid and the older woman was the one at fault. He carried the burden himself. He couldn't stand seeing her at the Hall sitting next to her husband and kids answering and giving talks as if nothing happened while he was being eaten alive with guilt. Because of the nature of what happened and because it was the 1950's he couldn't tell his mother who was struggling to make ends meet, or anyone else...this wasn't something people talked about back then, especially Witnesses. No one knew then and still don't know why he left home suddenly and went off to war. Can you imagine how it was for this young former Witness kid to find himself in Korea with a machine gun in his hand. Thankfully he made it through the war alive. Over the years He'd only set foot in a Kingdom Hall for a Neice or Nephews Wedding or for his Mother and Brothers funerals. None of the Witnesses relatives would attend his children's weddings at his wife's Church over the years which really hurt them. Of course we can't tell anyone about all this, he would still be terribly embarrased. He's of that generation that keeps thier burdens to themselves, but I hope I'm around to see the look on their all of their faces if this ever does come out someday.
Im Going To Be Disfellowshipped!
by TimothyT inin 6 months, my life has completely changed!.
i have chosen to be gay, i no longer suffer with guilty suicidal feelings, i have the most amazing boyfriend, and my parents and friends accept me for who i am.. i was informed today that a judicial comitee will be formed to disfellowship me.
i dont feel any kind of bitterness or sadness despite the fact that this is all i have known for 20 years and im about to lose some very close friends.. on the contrary, i feel fabulous!!!
I no longer suffer with guilty suicidal feelings,
Figure out where these came from so that they won't be an issue later on when the newness of your recent life changes wears off somewhat, which is to be expected after a time. Find a resolve that won't allow anyone or any circumstace cause you to go there ever again.
Women and Pants
by Lynnie ini'm still amazed that the wtbts still don't allow women to wear pants to meetings etc.
is this a disfellowshipping offense?.
Because my sister is already very attractive, anything she wears that is in anyway stylish makes her stand out and a target for criticism. When she was about 19 or 20 the Circuit Overseer talked to her and my Mom after the meeting about the knee length suede boots she was wearing with a below the knee wool skirt. They had a slight platform and a narrow heel but otherwise they were really pretty simple but they did look quite elegant . He said that back in New York, only prostitutes wear boots like that. We don't want to give the wrong impression or cause anyone to stumble anyone in our Ministry.
My Mother was incensed and quipped. "In the Societies own literature, only Harlots are shown with extremely long blood red finger nails like the ones your wife wears. I wonder how much of a distraction they are to the householders out in the ministry as she presents the magazines or turns the pages of the Bible" Then turned on her heel and walked off, pulling my stunned sister along with her.
My Mom was awesome !
The JW's are the NEAREST thing to the Truth....EVER!
by punkofnice ini'm sick of this.
when you show a jw the fallacy of their organization (on the rare occasion they don't get the forcefield up in time), they'll retort with something as assinine as.
'yes....but jehovah's witnesses are the nearest thing to the 'truth' there is!'.
Since they are the nearest thing to the TRUTH, does that mean that anyone who disagrees with them is "Almost Apostate " or " Sort of Disfellowshipped ?"
OMG - Enjoy this little number
by Smiles ina song performed by a jw from baton rouge, louisiana.
he supposedly wrote lyrics, also sings and plays all the instruments.. .
This sounds suspiciously like Rock and or Roll.
Sept. 15th WT - Burdened with Earning a Living? Here! Have MORE Burdens !
by flipper inas if the other sept. 15th wt thread i started weren't controlling enough - in another study article titled " run ..... that you may attain it " were you aware that just eating and wearing clothes on your body - might be a " stumbling block " to you ?
in a prior article on pg.
12 , paragraph 6 the wt society sets up what they are trying to get across by stating, " people of the world tend to seek personal interests first as " men of this system of things, whose share is this life.
ADSO nailed it. And to add to that we musn't forget that because of all the medical and scientific advances, brought about by dedicated, devoted non-witness people, they (the wankers) are able to print their magazines, enjoy painless dentistry, hold conventions in state of the art public buildings where they proceed to condemn the designers and builders and the taxpayers who funded them, to the same fate as Hitler, Stalin, that of eternal destruction. All the while gladly taking advantage of whatever they can get from these non believers.
looking for specific misquotes
by Evidently Apostate inanyone know where i can find where the org has used quotes from secular sources placed in thier litrature but were used out of context.
i know there are misquotes in the trinity brochure.
Book marked
The end is NIGH! Drought turns lake blood red
by SweetBabyCheezits ingah!
drought of intelligence discovered @ 1:17..... http://www.weather.com/weather/videos/news-41/top-stories-169/drought-turns-lake-blood-red-21501.
The same thing happens where I live near the Pacific Ocean when there is an algae bloom in late summer. It looks like someone dumped orange/red paint into the water along the shoreline.
I'd only fear that this meant the end was NIGH if someone had also spotted something credible such as a tortilla chip shaped like Mother Theresa floating on the surface of the blood red lake.
Saw some JWs this am! Couldn't stop laughing
by Free!! inthis morning on my way to the office i decided to stop at the gas station to get some coffee.... as i am pulling into the parking space i see this woman w a haircut from the 80's the typical below the knee skirt and long sleeve shirt (is a 105 degrees over here in the shadow).... i immediatly knew she was a jw... she had the latest wt in her hands..... she skipped me and approached a group of young mexican laborers that were resting in the back of a truck... but... as soon as i walked out of the gas station... guess who was waiting for me???
the jw!!!
she wanted to do a presentation.. i looked at her and w/o saying a word i started laughing so hard the guys in the truck started laughing as well... she just looked at me and still kept trying to push her literatrash!!
My first reaction while reading the story, was pity for the JW woman. I remember how uncomfortable it was to do this kind of witnessing and having to force myself to do it. I know what you mean by being able to spot a JW right away. I think it's because they aren't dressed appropriately for the surroundings they are in. They sort of emulate one another in dress and style and wind up taking on an identifiable look of their own which works ok at the Hall and at assemblies I guess.
We are all at diffrent stages of development and enlightenment so I think I might have just said to her " I used to do what you are doing and I know how difficult it can be and I know your motives are pure, but I had a few really bad experiences over the years with this organization and after a lifetime of service, I found out that much of what I believed wasn't accurate. I couldn't keep recommending this way of life to others anymore. I'm still the same person and have the same values that I've always had. Although I lost all my old Witness friends, I have a greater sense of hope and a better outlook on life these days"
I think by being kind and reasonable, even the most hardcore JW might realize that not everyone who leaves becomes evil or nasty and in fact may have some of the same thoughts and experiences as themselves. I'm guessing that this woman now has even more of the cult like " It's them against us" resolve, and may well view this experience as proof positive that anyone who leaves the organization is in grave danger of becoming the same way.