Al Jolsen called....he wants his complexion back
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
Lyman Swingle at the Bethel Breakfast table - What fun!
by Dogpatch in
how in the world do you embed videos on this site?.
Could you actually see or smell the breakfast food.. intuitive of you to think of that FUGUE. As I rembember, the food was there and the eggs, oatmeal and or cream of wheat were turning to rubber as you waited for them to finish agonizing over the minutiae of a scripture. Each commentator trying to come up with something more brilliant and fascinating than the last...hoping that the person ahead of them didn't say what they had planned to say. It was all so compulsory, you were assigned a day to comment and there was no getting around it. You sat there waiting for the camera and lights to swing around from the GB table and then it was your turn to be heard via closed circuit TV to the Brooklyn and the Farm. There was always the new blokes who tried too hard and were a bit over the top....kind of entertaining and fodder for much snickering on the way to the factory.
Lyman Swingle at the Bethel Breakfast table - What fun!
by Dogpatch in
how in the world do you embed videos on this site?.
This must have been shot by a Bethelite at the morning meal since they were doing the text and comments as visitors weren't there in the morning meal. I sat at that table and got to know each of the GB as they rotated every week taking turns doing the morning worship. I remember the time Bro Knorr announced that he had Cancer and started sobbing. He said he felt badly because Bethel was so big now that he didn't know everyone by name like he used to. I went back there in the 90's and in 2006 with my family. Each time it gave me the creeps just being there again. Even the really gung-ho congregation group I was with wanted to get out of there. I remember we were looking at a display of JW history in the waiting lobby and one sister said " I know this sounds bad but I'm sorry....this is just creeping me out for some reason"
It took years for me to stop waking up in the night in a panic having just dreamt that I had decided to quit my job and go back there to work only to realize when I got there I'd made a huge mistake that I couldn't back out of. I can't describe how upsetting those dreams were...I'd be so relieved when I woke up that it wasn't true.
Lyman Swingle at the Bethel Breakfast table - What fun!
by Dogpatch in
how in the world do you embed videos on this site?.
Wow, this brings back memories. Bro Swingle was a nice ol guy. But I'm reinded of how being at Bethel was very often like attending a daily funeral service.
Where did you get this and what made you post it Randy?
Name Things You Did As A Witness That You Weren't Supposed To Do
by minimus ini was considered "exemplary" but i defintely liked my drinking with my other fellow examples.. porn was never a terrible thing to me.
i looked.. throwing in a few extra hours and placements worked pretty well for me too..
Does anyone see a connection here? We have a load of former JW's commenting on all the things they did that were considered wrong for a JW to do, who then wound up leaving altogether for one reason or another.
When I was "IN" I did my best to walk the talk. I'm not sure which happened first....doing things based on my own conscience after I began seeing through all the WT B.S. and then finally leaving , or if my leaving was ultimately caused by doing things based on my own conscience rather than by the WT's "book". Current JW's would have you believe that it was our own independant thinking that led us astray and into Satan's clutches.
3.5 years vs. a lifetime of going door to door.
by tootired2care indid it bug you as a witness that jesus only had to go from door to door for 3.5 years, and he was done; while he demanded that you do it for your whole life without preparing for the morrow?
i just remember a few years back reflecting on the daunting prospect of doing it my whole life if the end didn't come - "sooner rather than later".
what are your thoughts?.
I couldn't imagine a lifetime of going from door to door or sitting through the theocratic ministry school for the rest of my life learning how to do it. Toward the end, I thought I'd loose my mind if I had to sit through one more Watchtower study as they plodded along trying to make some point that was obvious 6 paragraphs ago.
I never liked the fact that you had to put your name on the field service time slip or that you'd be counted "irregular" for six months if you didn't turn in any time one month as if that was some shameful thing.
Maybe the Mormons are onto something witht their 2 year missions.
Name Things You Did As A Witness That You Weren't Supposed To Do
by minimus ini was considered "exemplary" but i defintely liked my drinking with my other fellow examples.. porn was never a terrible thing to me.
i looked.. throwing in a few extra hours and placements worked pretty well for me too..
I bought a two door car (gasp)
I read the Harry Potter books .
I sat through the written review without answering the questions.
I went to meeting wearing a shirt and tie and a suede jacket.
I voted for something at work.
I bought a lottery ticket
I put money in a slot machine in Vegas and won $75.00
Someone wished me a "Happy New Year" and I daringly said "same to you".
i allowed my Boys to be on the swim team and wrestling team all through Jr High and High School despite all the "pursed lips" from the JW relatives.
Name Things You Did As A Witness That You Weren't Supposed To Do
by minimus ini was considered "exemplary" but i defintely liked my drinking with my other fellow examples.. porn was never a terrible thing to me.
i looked.. throwing in a few extra hours and placements worked pretty well for me too..
My wife and I never understood the sanction against Birthdays and we always acknowledged our boy's birthdays by bringing home something special just for them, even if it was only a chocolate eclair. We'd give them a (pretend)swat for each year of their age and a pinch to grow an inch, which involved a chase throught the house to capture them so we could administer their swats. We'd always recount the story of the midnight trip to the hospital and their delivery and how each of them knew to be born on a week day rather than a weekend so that their Dad would get a few days of work LOL ! We always kept this little tradition to ourselves...didn't even tell family members for fear they'd give us the stink eye. We've kept this going even thought they are grown up. This year I send them a text message at midnight that said " What world changing event happened on this day x amount of years ago ? A correct answer will get you a gift certificate to go indoor skydiving with your Dad.
Now that they are grown, I'd have a very empty feeling inside if I hadn't done this little thing for them. I wish I'd have done a full on party for them but at least we made a fuss over them and made sure they knew how lucky we were to have them and flad that they had made it through lifes perils one more year.
Got my Privileges Removed today, any advice?
by mrbunyrabit insooo i was a ministerial servant (omg a ministerial servant on this site!?
you apostate!!!
) yea yea i just wanted to see what other people think and whatever, coz i had a few questions myself, (butttt its not like i was about to start throwing them with rocks and stuff, they arent that bad).
Should you appeal the decision to remove you as a M.S ?
The fact that you are on this site and the fact that you even have to ask, should be answer enough.