I understand what you are saying but I'm talking about anointed as in the JW sense of the word, like they believe they are among the few chosen to go to heaven.
JoinedPosts by MrFreeze
What do you think about the anointed?
by MrFreeze indo you think most of those who claim to be anointed are faking it or do you think they actually believe they are anointed?
it's something i've always wondered..
What do you think about the anointed?
by MrFreeze indo you think most of those who claim to be anointed are faking it or do you think they actually believe they are anointed?
it's something i've always wondered..
Do you think most of those who claim to be anointed are faking it or do you think they actually believe they are anointed? It's something I've always wondered.
Maybe you all could give me some suggestions.
by MrFreeze inokay here's the deal.
i just started a new job.
although i've been working at this place for half a year now, they just now within the last month made me a full-time employee.
Thanks Finally-Free thats a really good suggestion. As regards those other things, unfortunately I would normally have the money but necassary costs as well as unexpected costs such as car repairs and other things have come up and I just don't currently have the money. Normally I would.
Maybe you all could give me some suggestions.
by MrFreeze inokay here's the deal.
i just started a new job.
although i've been working at this place for half a year now, they just now within the last month made me a full-time employee.
Haha, yeah that was the joke I kept using at the office. "I must be pregnant". And of course when I put in my facebook status about my stomach issues, people always respond with the "awww are you expecting?"
Maybe you all could give me some suggestions.
by MrFreeze inokay here's the deal.
i just started a new job.
although i've been working at this place for half a year now, they just now within the last month made me a full-time employee.
Yeah I thought about stress too. I've never been very stressed in my life so I don't necassarily know to what extent I am experiencing stress or how it's actually affecting me. I've worked full time before and never had this kind of problem.
I do appreciate the suggestions.
Maybe you all could give me some suggestions.
by MrFreeze inokay here's the deal.
i just started a new job.
although i've been working at this place for half a year now, they just now within the last month made me a full-time employee.
Making the symptoms ease up is nice, for sure, but there's obviously some kind of problem that needs addressed. I might try the ginger vitamins for now and see how much they help.
Maybe you all could give me some suggestions.
by MrFreeze inokay here's the deal.
i just started a new job.
although i've been working at this place for half a year now, they just now within the last month made me a full-time employee.
Actually I know for a fact the Aloe Vera juice isn't the issue. It was even worse before I started drinking it. I've tried ginger ale and ginger tea. It really hasn't helped either. Peppermint tea hasn't worked either. I don't believe my company does have an occupational health clinic. I'll see if maybe there is a free clinic in my area.
This just really sucks. Things finally seemed to be working out for me and all the sudden, bam terrible stomach issues. Oh well, what are you gonna do?
At the end of my rope :(
by tec inbut i guess this is my first big rant.. this last year has been the hardest year of my life.
my son tried to kill himself ( he did something pretty bad, got caught, and i guess that's the only way he thought to deal) i am also very close to actually hating my husband, and i do not hate people.
and every decision that i make lately seems to be the wrong one.
Sometimes you just need to rant. You don't need suggestions. You just need to rant. Honestly, I don't know what to tell you. I'm not married so I don't have the experience there, but I know if I was, I would never try to make my mate feel worthless. It's just a sad situation.
Sometimes there seems like in a time in your life where everything seems to be going wrong. Life sorta sucks like that sometimes. I wish I had some majorly awesome advice to give but I don't. I don't know what I would do if I were in your situation.
Maybe you all could give me some suggestions.
by MrFreeze inokay here's the deal.
i just started a new job.
although i've been working at this place for half a year now, they just now within the last month made me a full-time employee.
Okay here's the deal. I just started a new job. Although I've been working at this place for half a year now, they just now within the last month made me a full-time employee. I was temping for them before. Although it's great I have a job, they won't offer me any health benefits until November of this year. That really frustrates me. I have no health insurance and since I'm working, I can't apply for any government programs.
Lately I've been having stomach problems. Every morning I wake up feeling nauseous. Sometimes I do actually throw up. You can see how that would make life miserable. Then through different times throughout the day I get the nausea thing going again. Only, I never actually throw up. I've been taking Pepcid AC and drinking Aloe Vera juice. It seems to have helped a little bit but I still get the nausea. Sometimes I get it after eating too, but it doesn't seem like any particular food triggers it. Also, when I do rigorous activity I get very nauseous. For instance, I play street hockey every week and I get very sick when playing. It doesn't have anything to do with dehyrdation because I drink plenty of water and gatorade.
So here is my dilemma. I don't have money to see a doctor to get tests run and things like that. I don't have insurance yet either. Does anybody have any ideas one what I should do? Do you know of any programs or anything like that that can help me? Do you know what my stomach issue might be? I'd really love to see a doctor but I don't know if that's possible.
Yeah I know it seems kind of pathetic coming onto a forum for a question like this but hey, I'm looking for any help I can get.
God Bless You!
by MrFreeze inwhen you were a jw did you ever feel really ashamed when someone would sneeze and you wouldn't say "god bless you!
" it always bugged me.
i'd always feel like a real jerk for not saying it.
Haha that's pretty good Cold Steel