She looks exactly like my niece. So adorable.
Of course she is pure evil and needs to be killed at the Big A for all the bad things she has done.
thought everyone here would enjoy my latest video, i even put a shout out here due to the overwhelming response i got to my thread about jehovah killing babies in armageddon.
i just had an epiphany to do this video, i hope it's as powerful as i think it is.....
i'll get back to making silly jw related t-shirts soon enough..
She looks exactly like my niece. So adorable.
Of course she is pure evil and needs to be killed at the Big A for all the bad things she has done.
maybe because i was in so long, and "studied" so much it just got tiresome.
maybe because i no longer believe in god i can't be bothered with any of the things i was forced to "learn.
" having read comments of bona fide atheists, they sometimes seem to know more about the bible than christians.. does anyone else just have a lack of desire to try to understand those more complicated parts of the bible?.
To put it simply... yes. It is boring.
Time to do something more entertaining, like rolling dog turds in wet cement.
i've seen evangelical sites that show dinosaurs dying in the great flood.
these people believe that god created the earth in seven 24-hour days, and have wondered that if god could just "speak" the earth into existence, why he would need the other six days.
(couldn't he just will it into existence in a flash?).
My mom always believed they died in the flood. Causes me to facepalm every time she says it.
for all of us.. syl.
I don't understand how you can live around water and not know how to swim. It's apparent these kids have been in the water before. Even if parents have fear of water, why would they not want their children to learn how to swim?
especially if you can't give your children a perfect world.. i mean, who do people think they are?
Are you being serious or is this a joke?
being raised in the jehovah's witnesses cult from birth - i saw many females mistreated, abused in a demeaning manner whether subtly or right out in the open.
before congregation meetings in the 1960's even as a boy i saw an elder talk rudely to his wife as if she was a child- and the wife put her head down in sadness.
i saw jw men take themselves way too seriously as alleged " heads of their house " - because the wt society pushed the headship issue into every witness marriage.
I'm not a woman, but as a man, can I just say that I've always thought the headship arrangement was degrading and demeaning to women. My dad (who wasn't a JW) also thought the same.
i was raised as a devout catholic myself, so i (sort of) understand the religious mindset.
not that i am foreign to sexual repression, but, don't you guys think that the idea of "remaining undefiled by a woman" is a very curious thing to hold?.
i read somewhere that origen emasculated himself so he could preach to the women without "risk".
Virginity was only looked well upon for women because that means their value is higher. Women back then were pretty much sex slaves. They never had any choice in the matter of marriage or maidservant or sexual intercourse.
i can't believe that it took me this long to finally watch this show.
what a well written program and the actors are great.
um---jon hamm is something else!!!
I watched the first episode and enjoyed it. It's all about the dialogue. I'll watch some more when I finish up with catching up on my favorite show on TV right now... Dexter. Just think, JW's aren't allowed to watch most of the great shows out there.
mine's was, if your job interfere with the meetings you have to decide who you will choose,.
serving jehovah or serving man, if anyone knew my needs it most definitely was jehovah.
and he knew i needed my job to eat.
I think I can agree with what you are saying. Worst advice I've ever been given is to quit my job to go to MTS.
okay here's the deal.
i just started a new job.
although i've been working at this place for half a year now, they just now within the last month made me a full-time employee.
It's actually when I wake up that I experience the worst of it so I doubt it's that.