It's funny how I see so many witnesses turned atheists/agnostics who praise Raymond Franz who left the WT but stuck with the Bible while simultaneously bashing people on this board who are doing the same thing.
While some people do get frustrated and "bash", there is no reason for you to feel defensive and to lash back out yourself. I would advise, as I did in an earlier post, to use the same process that a person uses to expose the fallacy and dishonesty in witness belief to other aspects of thier life as well, including their faith in god.
Faith is belief without objective proof. Not an evil thing or even bad. However, faith can become the rationalized basis for many things that are very bad indeed. I believe all of us need a certian amount of faith to be mentally healthy and function, however I also think that faith must be balanced by skeptical/critical thought lest it become the monster we see all thru human history and in the example of religions like the JW's.
Honest faith makes no claims to being the "truth" and therefore needs no defense.