Edit :
Sorry Comatose
I only read page one when I posted
I see you Had the same thing I had in mind
i've been pondering......with this new "push" to direct individuals to thw jw.org website, even when the dubs are out preaching...what do you think the future will be for the preaching work?.
some time ago i read that the mormons have implemented a live chat feature that allows you to speak with their missionaries....i doubt the borg would do this, but i think they have something up their sleeves.. peace.
kool jo.
Edit :
Sorry Comatose
I only read page one when I posted
I see you Had the same thing I had in mind
it's heartwarming to see so many new faces (and some older ones) playing their part in this thriving community.
so many more free minds!
Hello there KW13 , Nice to see you
i'm still in the matrix(the truth), but 'morpheus' and his team are valiantly working on a way to get me out.
in the meantime, everyday i am discovering so much about being a jw i never knew, like don't buy girl scout cookies, that i keep asking myself "what have i got myself into".. maat.
really lame for a first post, but i figure i should start some where.
" I'll continue to remain objective , no matter what atrocities have been commited by the WTBTS "_____Maat
For someone who claim " to no longer be mired down in the foolishness of JW doctrine "
and also claim to " understand the blood issue very well "
how can you remain unaffected in your objectivity based upon the facts
on doctrine you consider to be foolish
i've talked with some good friends on the board about this before and we seem to be in agreement : one reason ( among many ) that some disfellowshipped jw's go back and return to the wt organization is because they are full of uneeded guilt or uneeded fear because they haven't educated themselves about how the wt society uses mind control tactics to deceive them into thinking they have " nowhere else to go " .
i understand that some dfed ones may go back to the organization for family and friends- however- it's an exrecise in futility because once you learn the truth about the truth you cannot undo what you heard.
so some may just go back and live a fake jw life to appease family- but just think of how that can damage a person's emotional and mental health playing the fake jw game the rest of their lives !
" I'm not wired to be a hypocrite "
TRITTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just had my 1day assembly this weekend.
an experience given by the bethel speaker was quite troubling and shows how jw's live in constant paranoia, anxiety and they isolate themselves from normal living.. a first grade class was having a fire drill.
everyone ( except one) lined up and stood outside away fron the classroom in the grass.
" They even short circuited the Pavlovian fire bell responses "_____Snare
That ain't all they short circuited
They had the black folk in the Hall I attended
believin' that Rosa parks, Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln
shoulda " Waited On The Kingdom "
And that there's not a damn thing wrong
In the use of words that been out dated scince slavery times
like " Field service " and " Overseer "
Get out of her people, You been emancipated already
What are you waitin' on !!!!! Jehovah ????
just had my 1day assembly this weekend.
an experience given by the bethel speaker was quite troubling and shows how jw's live in constant paranoia, anxiety and they isolate themselves from normal living.. a first grade class was having a fire drill.
everyone ( except one) lined up and stood outside away fron the classroom in the grass.
If you look in the " My book of Bible stories "
They drew pictures of the Israelites laughin' at the Egyptians drown
Normal people would have a look of horror on their face
to see such. Even if it did relieve them from thier enemy afterwards
just had my 1day assembly this weekend.
an experience given by the bethel speaker was quite troubling and shows how jw's live in constant paranoia, anxiety and they isolate themselves from normal living.. a first grade class was having a fire drill.
everyone ( except one) lined up and stood outside away fron the classroom in the grass.
" I asked her several times to write memories as the generation of WWII is dying off "____Kaik
Our elderly can teach us very much
My brain was washed blindly by the WTS at one time
but now I see
just had my 1day assembly this weekend.
an experience given by the bethel speaker was quite troubling and shows how jw's live in constant paranoia, anxiety and they isolate themselves from normal living.. a first grade class was having a fire drill.
everyone ( except one) lined up and stood outside away fron the classroom in the grass.
Hello Kaik
It's a name the WTS use in almost every story they write
Did your mom hate the teachers from what she heard
or did she witness this horriffic accident ? If so
My heart goes out to her havin' this etched into her memory
just had my 1day assembly this weekend.
an experience given by the bethel speaker was quite troubling and shows how jw's live in constant paranoia, anxiety and they isolate themselves from normal living.. a first grade class was having a fire drill.
everyone ( except one) lined up and stood outside away fron the classroom in the grass.
" The story is invented and probably not true "____Kaik
As in the case of " Andre "
just had my 1day assembly this weekend.
an experience given by the bethel speaker was quite troubling and shows how jw's live in constant paranoia, anxiety and they isolate themselves from normal living.. a first grade class was having a fire drill.
everyone ( except one) lined up and stood outside away fron the classroom in the grass.
Exactly Aunt Fancy