djeggnog wrote:
I believe what the Bible says in its entirety, which is my choice.
@waton8 wrote:
Let us test that, given your superior spirituality:
Do you believe Jesus' end time prophecies in [Matt]. 24, 25, especially 24: 34,( this generation will not pass away until all these things are fulfilled?) and 25:26? ( Goats depart into everlasting cutting off--sheep into everlasting life [at ~Armageddon]). ?
I didn't say I possessed "superior spirituality"; you are the one making such a facetious suggestion about me (for some reason); nevertheless, my answer to your question is Yes.
Since the separation of sheep from goats doesn't begin until "immediately after" the great tribulation (Matt. 24:29), and Jesus specifically stated at Matt. 24:34 'this generation would not pass away until all these things [that which Jesus mentions in Matthew 24 and 25] have occurred,' including the tribulation, then it would seem that just as Joseph's contemporaries were still living when Joseph died, then some of Jesus spiritual brothers would still be alive after the tribulation. I'll elaborate on what I mean by this in a moment, but "What will happen if someone partake the wine and bread at memorial? Should we all do that?" is the topic the OP started, the topic that prompted me to post a response in the first place, and whatever your gripes with Bible doctrine or with Jehovah's Witnesses generally, I'd appreciate it if you don't ambush me again by going off-topic as you do with this question.
The fact that the current year is now 103 years removed from the year 1914 [at this writing, the year is 2017] does not help one do any more than speculate as to the year when the end will come. For example, we arrive at the year 2024 when counting 110 years forward from 1914, for Joseph's siblings, Joseph's two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim (who were born in Egypt), as well as Joseph's nephews and nieces lived during Joseph's lifetime, that is to say, during Joseph's generation, making all of them contemporaries of Joseph.
Now it would be tantamount to trying to prove Jesus wrong when he indicated that no man knows "that day or the hour" should anyone attempt to calculate the year when "the end will come" (Matt. 24:14), even were Jehovah's Witnesses to do this(!), but I believe the end will come when the good news will have been satisfactorily preached in all the earth, which is something that Jesus also indicated. Furthermore, if Jesus did know 'the day or hour,' I suppose one could wonder why he would have lied about his not knowing, but I digress.
Berating spiritual-minded members of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, as many on here do, or other Christians for doing what they can to encourage Christians to stay awake and keep them from going to sleep when they need to be vigilant with a view to prayer is evidently the preoccupation of some, but remember just as the Law appointed men having weakness as high priests (Heb. 7:28), Jehovah uses men today that are imperfect as well, who may at times have gotten it wrong and might even have said some zany things they we might wish they had not said. But I dare say that most of us here know more of what things the Bible teaches than do most people because of the work of such dedicated men and women, both past and present—including Jesus and Paul—that have been doing their best to 'keep watch over our souls.' (Heb. 13:17)
Firstly, "the term 'generation' as used by Jesus [at Matt. 24:34] refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics." (wt95 11/1, p. 17, ¶6)
Secondly, Jesus compared the generation in his day to the one in Noah's day at [Matt. 24:37-39], it seems clear that the people in Noah's generation paralleled the people in "this generation" which began when the sign of Jesus' second coming became manifest in the year 1914. (I should point out here the use of the words "this generation" as they are used at Gen. 7:1.)
Thirdly, even though we are able to determine when "this generation" began, we are still unable to calculate when "this generation" would come to an end since no one knows the "day and hour."
Having said this, should we give consideration to what Exo. 1:6 says regarding the death of Joseph, Jacob's/Israel's son, "and also all his brothers and all that generation," then based on the age at which Joseph was when he died -- 110 -- then his contemporaries would have been "all [of] his brothers" and Joseph's two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, who were both living when their father died.
Now looking at the dates, Jacob at age 84 marries both Leah and Rachel in 1774 BC (after his uncle Laban does a bait and switch) so that his 11th son, Joseph, is finally born to Rachel in 1767 BC. (Rachel dies when Benjamin, Jacob's most beloved son, is born some six years later in 1761 BC.) Joseph dies in 1657 BC at the age of 110. Those of Jesus' spiritual "brothers" that were alive contemporaneous with the "sign" that became manifest in 1914 (that is, those that had undertaken a spiritual rebirth by 1914) would correspond to those that became contemporaries of Joseph at his birth, which would include not only Joseph's 11 brothers, but to Joseph's two sons and to his nephews and nieces that were alive when Joseph died, all of these being "that generation" (Exo. 1:6). Thus, these contemporaries of Joseph's generation would correspond to Jesus' anointed brothers, who from 1914 until now were all contemporaries of the composite sign, they all of them bearing witness to this "sign."
The clarification made in the article, "Holy Spirit's Role in the Outworking of Jehovah's Purpose," which might better be described as "increased light" instead of "new light," and has arguably been the cause of so much confusion is this:
[Jesus] evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation. That generation had a beginning, and it surely will have an end." [w10 4/15, p. 10, ¶14)]
This article states that the lives of God's anointed ones that were alive when the sign began would overlap with the lives of those who would see the start of the great tribulation, this event being also a part of the sign.
Nobody knows the "day and hour" when the end will come; Jesus even said so (Matt. 24:36). The sign has both a beginning and an end, and so "immediately after the tribulation of those days," when "this generation" will have passed away, then the end—Armageddon—will come and "the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven," for it will be at this time that everyone in the world will discern "the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Matt. 24:29, 30)
In referring to the way in which the word "generation" is used at Exo. 1:6, I pointed out that Joseph's generation would have been at least 110 years, because Gen. 50:22 indicates that Joseph lived for 110 years. But because Exo. 1:6 specifically says, "and also all his brothers and all that generation," it appears to be the case that the word "generation" includes those of Joseph's siblings that survived his death who were Joseph's contemporaries. Ten of Joseph's brothers witnessed events before Joseph's birth and at least two of those brothers lived after his death. So while Joseph's contemporaries were of various ages, they were viewed as being a part of "the Joseph generation."
Joseph's third oldest brother, Levi, who was born in 1772 BC (the year of Levi's birth could be 1773 BC!) before Joseph died in 1635 BC at the age of 137, some 22 years after Joseph's death, but I cannot add the additional 22 or 23 years of Levi's life to "the Joseph generation" since Joseph died in 1657 BC. Only Joseph's contemporaries would be Levi and his other siblings and their children who are alive before Joseph's death.
I take Jesus at his word when he said that "[c]oncerning that day and hour nobody knows" and that "[we] do not know on what day [he] is coming." (Matt. 24:36, 42) To go beyond Jesus' words is pure speculation. If you are living contemporaneous with someone else, it's true that your life would overlap theirs provided you were older than this other person or you survived the death of this other person.
Let me end with this "pop culture" note: Perhaps you are familiar with what I'll call "the Michael Jackson generation," who was born on August 29, 1958. This generation could be said to have begun with Michael's eldest sibling, Rebbie (Maureen Reilette "Rebbie" Jackson) born May 29, 1950, and all nine of his siblings (including Brandon Jackson, Marlon David Jackson's twin brother who was born on March 12, 1957, but died at birth, stillborn, and his half-sister Joh'Vonnie Jackson, the daughter of Michael's father, but whose mother is not Michael's) would all of them be a part of the Michael Jackson generation although Michael died on June 25, 2009, at age 50. This generation is now 60 years in length and counting since Michael's siblings were all his contemporaries, and their lives overlapped Michael's. Not that it could happen, but were any children to be born to Michael's parents, Joseph Walter "Joe" Jackson and Katherine Esther Scruse Jackson, after June 25, 2009 -- maybe Joe has another affair and another child! -- would not overlap the Michael Jackson generation so consequently these other "siblings" would not be contemporaries of Michael.