If you truly have all the onlookers, then all of you could petition for the site named to be changed to something more suitable. I await your answer.
Posts by BANE
Questions for BANE, SCHOLAR, and All Jehovah's Witnesses!
by UnDisfellowshipped inyou don't have to answer all of them at once.
i would be happy to see your answers to any of these questions.. remember, the inspired apostle peter gave this direction in the holy scriptures: "always [be] ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect.
" (1st peter 3:15).
Questions for BANE, SCHOLAR, and All Jehovah's Witnesses!
by UnDisfellowshipped inyou don't have to answer all of them at once.
i would be happy to see your answers to any of these questions.. remember, the inspired apostle peter gave this direction in the holy scriptures: "always [be] ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect.
" (1st peter 3:15).
1 Timothy 6:
Hmm...Like I said my challenge stands. Change the name of the site to what it SHOULD be called. Apostates.com and I will answer your questions.
What is the matter? Can´t grant me that?
Questions for BANE, SCHOLAR, and All Jehovah's Witnesses!
by UnDisfellowshipped inyou don't have to answer all of them at once.
i would be happy to see your answers to any of these questions.. remember, the inspired apostle peter gave this direction in the holy scriptures: "always [be] ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect.
" (1st peter 3:15).
Seems like a lot to ask of me to answer these no? What do I get in return? What is the incentive? Watch this prediction! I answer and immediately you guys start mocking me. Outlaw will post his little doggie pictures, Issac will say something stupid etc. MrsJones will invaribly start cussing....
What can you give me other than that Jehovah and I will win at these questions? How about this? IF I answer all of these how I think they should be answered even if you don´t like the answers, you change the name of this site to Apostate.com
Come on! Whaddya think?
Remain Close to the Governing Body DC
by gutted ini just finished all 3 days of the dc and, for what it's worth, wanted to get down some of the highlights i enjoyed.
i went with family and i only did it for them, and hope to never attend another assembly ever again.. .
the whole thing was pretty boring and uncomfortable due to the stadium style seating which doesn't favour my long legs and ac being blasted too high.. .
So long gutted! It seems as it you have made your choice to no longer serve Jehovah. Yup...It´s a SELF SACRIFICING way of life. Everyone on this board doesn´t have it. They are ME ME ME! You study more here than you did the bible. THAT is your downfall. You came here with your guard down. These people here don´t love you. Only the organization does. You should have heeded the advice and NOT come here. You SHOULD have strengthend your faith by study of the faithful slave´s material. It is lifesaving.
The org doesn´t have all the answers. We won´t FULLY know everything until the new system. Jehovah´s people are doing their best to search through the bible to find the closest answer possible. To have you guys mock their efforts is SO sad.
2010 district convention badge
by thundarr inhi all.
do anyone a scan of the badge card.
i move and it convention time ths weekend an need to replace my family card before friday.
I think they won´t be resurrected. That´s why I talked about Faith. I know you have lost YOURS but faith is a thing to be believed. You might not have all the info so faith helps one to be sure. I have faith they won´t be there. I think the bible says that they won´t be back. I do not know for sure though. As it is stated in 12 angry Men, no one can be 100% positive on a thing like this.
Yeah this is boring...Let me defeat something else.
2010 district convention badge
by thundarr inhi all.
do anyone a scan of the badge card.
i move and it convention time ths weekend an need to replace my family card before friday.
That is where you guys faith went...In the gutter. We do not know for sure about the resurrection. Jehovah MAY deem whoever he wants as worthy. I have a feeling that no they will not be. SOMEBODY has to go into Gehenna right?
Twitch, if it is getting boring why don´t you quit then?
2010 district convention badge
by thundarr inhi all.
do anyone a scan of the badge card.
i move and it convention time ths weekend an need to replace my family card before friday.
I know you would like to think that Mrsjones, But I didn´t leave the faith. You did. I am very active and believe Jehovah will destroy those in opposition to him. NONE of my posts have ever stated I am in opposition to him. I love him. Therefore I have the hope of eternal life before me.
Will the people of Sodom and Gomorrah receive a resurrection? Will Judas? Nope. Neither will apostates. R Franz will not be there.
2010 district convention badge
by thundarr inhi all.
do anyone a scan of the badge card.
i move and it convention time ths weekend an need to replace my family card before friday.
Not so on the way out, The Bible judges apostates WORSE than hookers. Read the bible and find out. I have read more and have decided it´s crap. I have already defeated all the apostate points here. I will never be one of you. You got nothing. Nothing. Pioneers preach to all sorts. They are the BEST people on Earth. They will be lauded as the heroes when this system is over. Do you think the apostates will even be mentioned? I bet R Franz doesn´t even get a resurrection.
2010 district convention badge
by thundarr inhi all.
do anyone a scan of the badge card.
i move and it convention time ths weekend an need to replace my family card before friday.
Psacramento, Yes SHE has moved on. She hasn´t wasted her life going to apostate sites like you guys do. HAHA... She has a life with a new husband and kids. Great for her. But you guys...you are full of hate. She? She doesn´t even think about Jehovah´s witnesses. You guys are OBSESSED with it. Quite sad.
Of course I cannot come back for 16 hours as I must be on Defcon 4 around here so if any of you chumps want to get trounced, I will edit this post to future comments.
Issac, That proves nothing. I am a member in good standing, auxilary pioneer, and have responsibilities in the Cong. Jesus condemned the apostates of his day and I do the same. He is my model.
Issac, no one went out today for me to lead. I AM counting my time here. Happy?
Titus, what do you need?
Idnoro, I don´t think you are appointed by the GB. They are NOT that paranoid. Also you cussed at the end. No self respecting witness uses that word.
2010 district convention badge
by thundarr inhi all.
do anyone a scan of the badge card.
i move and it convention time ths weekend an need to replace my family card before friday.
Issac, Because the governing body looks out for it´s members. They don´t want them to get messed up coming here. I have been through your crap before. When I was studying at 20 I was reading a live forever book at school. Someone brought in apostate literature and slyly said...Do you want to know the secrets of the WT? I said bring it on because I loved what I was learning. She brought in a whole box of apostate literature. I looked at it and shared it with my then fiance. She immediately quit studying etc. My Dad was a witness and I brought it to him to look at. We decided to examine one paragraph of one book. They quoted the live forever book. They took it all out of context twisting what it actually had said. They took one sentence and merged it with another. I knew who was telling the truth then. I knew witnesses were good people. My father had gotten baptized a few years earlier.
You bastards cost me my fiance. Something I will never forget. She was a lovely woman who had a good heart and you ruined it with your garbage. So I got baptized, pioneered and have never looked back. But I still have been battling your poisen for years and will continue to do so. You people are scum to me. You and Satan belong in bed together.
You want to know why I am here? To show you the truth. To fight every single one of you so you don´t screw up other people.
IDrnomo, You say you hate what is bad but I see SEVERAL people here that have said they are homosexual, that they love drugs, that they like to have fornication, that they do not believe the Bible anymore. So don´t give me that crap. Want to know what I want to change about you? ALL OF THE ABOVE I just mentioned. Become reconciled to Jah before it is too late. You yourself are saying you are a demon sir.
Where in my posts have I lied once Issac? I AM BEGGING YOU TO SHOW ME! PROVE IT! Oh you cannot? So who is the liar then?
So Mrsjones, someone opened up a FB account with the name of Bane and you believe it? HAHAHA! You apostates are something else! One of you opened up an account with the name of bane and said....Look at me I am now an apostate! HAHAHA! The society was right. QUITE snakey you try to be.
don´t tell me...I bet that talked in capitals like I do sometimes do to make sure people are fooled...HAHAHA