Well, in a practical sense, that (physical life) is all we really get any control of, now isn't it?
Well, having only lived a physical life (at least concretely) thus far, I really don't know about anything which could be beyond it.
But, ... I believe that there are 'indications' that there may be more to life than that which we physically experience or perceive.
Also, I believe that there are indications that the world in which we live has been designed. As a software designer, I perceive that designed software tends to function (perform a task) better than random bits and bytes dancing across a computer's circuitry. And despite whatever flaws I might perceive, certainly there is no doubt that our world functions, our brains think, our cells reproduce themselves (albiet imperfectly, ... but what is designed to last forever?). Life is based upon an supremely intricate interplay that, at least, suggests design. And, again, in most cases, and in most cases, it works swimmingly. And, after all, what car manufacturer doesn't produce a lemon every one-in-a-while.
From what I've been told, scientifically, life is known to exist only on this one planet, in this one galaxy, out of countless galaxies in our universe of space/time. And when you factor in the possibility of multiples of universes, each with different dimensional qualities than our own, the possibility that this planet contains the only 'life' existing seems to me to be far-fetched. To presume that no other intelligence exists which is cognizant of our little eden, or has interacted with it, at some point, boggles my imagination. Indeed, it is not difficult for me to imagine some other sentient life setting up, designing, and bringing into being life, as we know it. I believe that any creative type, with the power, would eventually get around to it. And, counter to the Deist view, I don’t believe that most artists, designers, composers, writers, … creators simply walk away from their creations without attempting to perfect them.
Obviously, this is ‘out there’, but, … it is what is intuitive for me, given what I see. Obviously, I cannot KNOW any of this, …, but I can intuit it. And, after all, doesn’t creativity require intuitiveness, i.e. taking what you can see and imagining possible what you can’t see. Isn’t that the way we achieved flight, space-travel, even this interconnected web of circuitry on which we now correspond?