That is the funniest thing I have read all day. thank you for the smile!
i, for one, sensed that cats were from the devil ever since that demon-cat, toonces, was shown driving an automobile on live tv.. (orange feline, 2/3 of the way down on the right side, getting his.).
That is the funniest thing I have read all day. thank you for the smile!
commentary on mp3s: (in addition to circulate as you see fit!).
in light of the wts's recent attempts to conceal it's talks from broader inspection and documentation, mp3s to the public are now mostly the works of the 'conscious class' and those exjws who force themselves to endure hours upon hours of control-laced presentations.
kudos to all those who embody anonymous.
Much thanks for all your hard work. An unsung hero of the revolution.
(I was wondering what brand she used... )
i, for one, sensed that cats were from the devil ever since that demon-cat, toonces, was shown driving an automobile on live tv.. (orange feline, 2/3 of the way down on the right side, getting his.).
I have noted that, no matter how hard you throw them against a wall, cats always get up and run away.
in george orwell's novel 'nineteen eighty-four' the capitulation of the principal protagonist is portrayed in his willingness to assent to the proposition that two and two make five.
once he had denied objective reality, his mental conquest was complete and he was no longer truly the master of his own mind.
nineteen eighty-four is in many ways, a very depressing read.. a charge commonly leveled at jehovah's witnesses is that the type of mind control envisioned by orwell has been and continues to be used on them.
“It was in B.C. 606, that God’s kingdom ended, the diadem was removed, and all the earth given up to the Gentiles. 2520 years from B.C. 606, will end in A.D. 1914.” —The Three Worlds, published in 1877, page 83.
Alice, dear sis Alice, that was said because they thought the world was ending in 1914, not because they thought Christs invisible presence would START. see quote below :
It was heralding Christ’s presence as having begun in 1874. This invisible presence was expected to continue until the Gentile Times ended in 1914, when the Gentile nations would be destroyed and the remnant of the “chaste virgin” class would be glorified with their Bridegroom in heaven by death and resurrection to live in the spirit.
The “chaste virgin” class endeavored to let their light shine as they approached the time when they expected to meet their Bridegroom in heaven. Finally, that day arrived—October 1, 1914. The Gentile Times ended, but the anticipated heavenly glorification of the church did not come about. In fact, it had not occurred by the time Russell himself died on October 31, 1916
Alice, did you read the first post carefully? everything you posted supports the conclusion TD proposes... and in true "1984" fashion, you missed it. Just for laughs, and because its considered a classic, try reading 1984... you may find it enlightening, if a bit depressing. or maybe when your done, you will simply think to yourself "i love big brother". after you read the novel, that statement will have a whole new meaning for you. Or not.
a brother i spoke with from bethel to me seemed discouraged and lacking zeal latley...he spoke of leaving which shocked me since he was there for decades...he left to get a full time job!!!
it was his whole reason for living since i've known him!
others have said the new doctrine of "blended generations" of anionted seeing armagedon is "confusing" or "i just don't get it"...one brother my only close friend is furious and said i qoute..."they seem to be blowing smoke up our ass!
Yes damn it! it the branch can do why cant I?
what is your opinion?
bizarro minimus..... .
what emoly was say is 100% in line with current direction from the branch. A person who joins another church or joins the military is DA'd. They are to be treated as DF"d.
If you have family in, i wouldn't recomened DA. if you are solo and dont care... by all means. It is quick and easy.
a brother i spoke with from bethel to me seemed discouraged and lacking zeal latley...he spoke of leaving which shocked me since he was there for decades...he left to get a full time job!!!
it was his whole reason for living since i've known him!
others have said the new doctrine of "blended generations" of anionted seeing armagedon is "confusing" or "i just don't get it"...one brother my only close friend is furious and said i qoute..."they seem to be blowing smoke up our ass!
ok, I had a really good crack on page four and it got ignored! I bet if africangoverningbodymember had made it he would have gotten some laughs...
does it appear that the feb 15, 2008 was setting jws for a future generation change?.
can we calculate the length of this generation?.
the word generation usually refers to people of various ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period or event.
good to see you are putting thought into your response, DJ eggnog, but dont think to hard. There is an old expression.. "if you think long, you think wrong".
hi guys,.
sadly some of them had been in bethel for 5 - 10 years and were still cleaning toilets.. after about 2 years of it i couldn't do it anymore.
i always knew something wasn't quite right with this organization.
Damn dude... your situation is EXACTLY what I am working to avoid. I too was at the bethel for a while and have a zealous wife.. Pm me if you want to talk. I dont recomend airing a whole lot of dirty laundry publicly.
bane said, on another thread:.
quentin, you haven t moved on!
that is my whole point!
since many of us are used to mind control on one level or another.. repeat after me
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
So the answer to paragraph one, the a part is....
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
The b part asks, what is bane?
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
Bane is a troll
repeat as nessary