The truth is that you are marked by people who's been there for a long time so that's an advantage if you will.
The way they speak to you and by definition treating you as a wordly influence inside the house of God.
My example: I started going to a new congregation just because my Dad couldn't make it to the one I go so everything was nice at the beginning and things were good but once I started talking to them all things changed drastically for me. This happened in a 2 year period. I always try to be nice to people in general so a sister about my age was looking for a husband I guess but I didn't know I was talking to her like she was already my friend smile at her look at her while being there things were drifting towards marriage so I said no and suddenly all her family shunned me cause I told an elder I was not looking forward to marry her.
There was this girl at the meetings she was 8 years younger than I but somehow she thought I like her so her friend asked if I like her then I say absolutely no she went to tell what I've said and that girl turned the whole congregation against me she went to the point of telling my friends that I was into her all the time and that I was someone not to trust. They still hate me but I pretend I don't see their abusive speech on me and all that marking spread to all.
once you arre marked work your way through the ranks befriend elders MS and CO etc.. you will gain your life back again.