In my Whitney Houston's voice: Hell to the naw!
I'm not spending my Saturday mornings on the corner volunteerily selling legalistic magazines for a ponzi scheme business that fronts like its a religion.
the little demo at the ca showed a young fella meditating and by golly he reasoned that october had an extra weekend so that was reason enough for him to put in a a pioneer application.
what a brilliant idea.. who else will be doing this?.
In my Whitney Houston's voice: Hell to the naw!
I'm not spending my Saturday mornings on the corner volunteerily selling legalistic magazines for a ponzi scheme business that fronts like its a religion.
Great video Clint!
i hope people finally wake up and throw this idiot off their network.. .
What a right winged idiot!
sorry if i'm not expressing myself very well but i wasn't allowed an education due to wbt$ regulations.. what i'm trying to say is that the wbt$ using the term 'mentally diseased' as an insulting term against those fictitious 'apostates' they want everyone to 'hate', is surely very discriminatory against those that have a genuine mental illness.. it's like calling a white person that has caught a suntan the 'n' word isn't it?
offensive, inappropriate and utterly destructive.. in the uk the press can be pretty sensitive about such name calling that implies that mental disease is somehow to be used as a hate crime word.. is it worth writing to the press to complain about such discrimination?.
That mentally diseased thing truly pisses me off. As for the suing thing, man, the watchtower has some pretty slick lawyers. It makes me angry; how dare they say that this 'Jehovah' is backing them. And that the bible is on there side, so (according to the scriptures) they can call anyone they want. Its just wrong!
the center for constitutional rights, a new york-based nonprofit legal group, requested that the pope be indicted by the international court for church practises protecting catholic priests, who abuse children: .
if the pope is indicted by the international court and found guilty, could the gb be indicted for protecting elders, who abuse children, or for not advising child abuse victums to go to civil authorities?
if the gb is found guilty of not following victoria's child protection laws and an elder in victoria raped/abused a child after 2002, could the gb be indicted in the international court, because gb members would refuse to surrender to australian authorities?.
Good question ;)
(2 kings 2:19-25) .
19 in time the men of the city said to e?lisha: here, now, the situation of the city is good, just as my master is seeing; but the water is bad, and the land is causing miscarriages.. 20 at that he said: fetch me a small new bowl and put salt in it.
so they fetched it for him.
Bring this thread back to life.
Jehovah was a real douchebag for killing those kids.
can someone please explain this to me: gas money, handing out endless amounts of publications, magazines, tracks, etc.
why can't get some of this money back, tax write off, etc?
why can't this happen?
Annie B, thank you. Thats where the confusion has always come in for me: Are they doing work for the watchtower, are they techincally watchtower employees??? Are they volunteers? What do the publishers and pioneers get out of the deal? And why is the watchtower so adament about baptizing new comers, especially children of believing and baptized parents?
i kind of think so..
I think so also minimus.
i got the biggest wtf look on my face when my coworker said this to me a week ago.
she actually felt comforted with the fact that the sinners of this world 'will just have to go.
' how is the comforting..
I got the biggest WTF look on my face when my coworker said this to me a week ago. She actually felt comforted with the fact that the sinners of this world 'will just have to go.' How is the comforting.
can someone please explain this to me: gas money, handing out endless amounts of publications, magazines, tracks, etc.
why can't get some of this money back, tax write off, etc?
why can't this happen?
Oh okay, gotcha ;)
I know where I grew up, most of the witnesses said they were doing this work for 'Jehovah' and that they did it for free. I NEVER understood why someone would want to spend there Saturday morning handing out free literature to people who were just gonna throw it away anywho.