Mr Woods. I don't think atheists care. I know I don't. If my children professed a belief at any point in their life I would debate it with them, probably vigorously, but it is their right to decide. I would imagine given the posts on this and other threads most would feel the same.
I think the real questions to answer in this survey are more for beleivers. Why is it that people who are born in a faith find it so hard to identify with any other belief other than the one they were taught as a child? But maybe the FBPU (Farkel Board Police Unit) will jump on me for pulling this worn out thread off topic so better not ask this.
cofty - my original post on this (apparently a straw man) was a pre-emptive comment for those that were going to post that it is proof there is a god. It took until page 5 for sulla to come along and do this. Thanks Sulla. Now, back to my joyless, empty existence as an atheist.