I would like to start my 1st post by saying THANK YOU. To the site itself and to all the posters.
My story begins with me meeting the woman of my dreams 4 years ago. We were "doing our own thing" if you can see between the lines and just flat out enjoyed life. Even though we were not falling in-line with God's standards, we both often spoke about God and how we wanted to get back to fellowship with Him. Nine months into our relationship, she reveals to me that she was raised a Jehovah's Witness. I honestly didn't know how to react because I didn't have a clue who they were other than the jokes I would occasionally hear on TV. Being raised in a non-denominational church in the south, I was exposed all my life to the Bible. Whenever we would talk about the Bible, it would start an argument. I started to see that even though she knew about God and believed in Jesus. . it was not the same views I shared. So to avoid arguments and conflict, i often refrained from speaking on spiritual matters. Three years later we got married and my life has never been the same.
For the last couple of months, I have been facing the real "Truth" at hand. She has been studying to be baptized for the last 4 months. She ventured to the KH maybe 3 or 4 times I can actually count when we dated, now she clears 2 meetings a week with ease. I believe she feels worthy now to be in fellowship with other JWs, since she was "doing her own thing" for so long. I started to study what she believed and i was completely SHOCKED. The more I studied, the more I became stronger in my own faith and beliefs. My wife is very smart and highly educated but when I speak to her about her beliefs/understanding of scriptures it makes me feel like I’m talking to a ton of bricks. For example, she boldly proclaims that she is in the "Truth" and everything she is being taught is "bible-based". So I’m like cool, show me in the Bible where the great crowd will be on earth. She opened up the Reasoning Book and started reading and I began to laugh, but truly I really wanted to cry.
All of you have helped me to understand this complex and ever changing WTS doctrine to the point where I speak to other JWs and Elders without being intimidated. I look at it as; well I can’t speak to my own wife so I’m going to make it a point to plant seeds with other JWs. I have my own library of Watchtower books including Millennial Dawn and SS 2/3, 69' and 85' KIT, The Finished Mystery, Vindication, Light I and II and more.
This site has been a major blessing to me and to my marriage. We have come a long way in our new marriage. From arguments and name calling to (starting Monday) presenting our views in a court case typesetting at our dinner table. We will both be giving our view on one particular doctrine and answering a headline question. We have to produce Bible support concerning each and explain it in-depth. Since our marriage sometimes seems as though it will fall apart, our first is Q&A is "Marriage". . What are the roles of the husband and wife? Next week, she will submit the question and the following I will to be discussed. This is seriously all i ever wanted in my marriage and believe it is just the start to her waking up. Please say a prayer of us.
Again, I want to say Thank You ALL!!! I feel like I already know some by your postings alone. I look forward to learning more and sharing my opinions.