no one has anything to add ? :-(
i have been thinking about the " need" for an organisation for xians... i mean the ee went on his merry way back to candace in ethiopia, a long way from the governing body of jerusalem and the effect of paul's letters so he must have done his worhsipping from a distance and without the "benefit" of the governing body's sage advice..... .
also another thing if i were on the "gb" of the first century i would be extremely miffed that paul was the one being inspired to write the fundamental doctrines of christianity, not me or my fellow older men.
today i began reading don camron's captive of a concept!
no one has anything to add ? :-(
i have been thinking about the " need" for an organisation for xians... i mean the ee went on his merry way back to candace in ethiopia, a long way from the governing body of jerusalem and the effect of paul's letters so he must have done his worhsipping from a distance and without the "benefit" of the governing body's sage advice..... .
also another thing if i were on the "gb" of the first century i would be extremely miffed that paul was the one being inspired to write the fundamental doctrines of christianity, not me or my fellow older men.
today i began reading don camron's captive of a concept!
hi all
i have been thinking about the " need" for an organisation for Xians... i mean the EE went on his merry way back to Candace in Ethiopia, a long way from the governing body of jerusalem and the effect of paul's letters so he must have done his worhsipping from a distance and without the "benefit" of the governing body's sage advice....
also another thing if i were on the "GB" of the first century i would be extremely miffed that Paul was the one being inspired to write the fundamental doctrines of christianity, not me or my fellow older men
today i began reading Don Camron's captive of a concept! brill book! looking forward to very carefully placing a few seeds of doube here and there ;-)
Kind regards to all
can someone direct me to that quote ?
i think it was back in the 80s?
i have looked and can't find it anywhere?.
thanks all for the feedback :-)
in this thread there is a quote that this was said in the WT but when i look in the WT library i dont find the quote.. i find only this.
Aug 1 , pg 17, 1980
“The inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith.”—1 Tim. 4:1.
ARE you profoundly shocked and unduly disturbed when you see or hear of a Christian you know yielding to doubts, cooling off and perhaps even becoming rebellious to the point of deserting the Christian congregation and trying to draw others away with him? If so, you may be comforted in knowing that, sad as such occurrences may be, the Scriptures forewarn us that they will happen.
2 The word “apostasy” comes from a Greek term that means “a standing away from,” “a falling away, defection,” “rebellion, abandonment.” The first one to fall away from the true worship of Jehovah was Satan the Devil. He was therefore the first apostate. (John 8:44) He caused the first human couple to become apostates. (Genesis, chapter 3) Very early in the history of Israel there was a “falling away” or ‘turning aside’ from true worship. We read:
“Even to their judges they did not listen, but they had immoral intercourse with other gods and went bowing down to them. They quickly turned aside from the way in which their forefathers had walked by obeying the commandments of Jehovah.”—Judg. 2:17.
3 Later, many of the kings of both Israel and Judah became apostates and led the nations they were ruling over into a course of apostasy. God first punished the northern kingdom of Israel, saying: “Against an apostate nation [Israel] I shall send him [Assyria].” (Isa. 10:6) And just before the destruction of Jerusalem, capital of Judah, by the Babylonians, Jehovah stated: “From the prophets of Jerusalem apostasy has gone forth to all the land.” (Jer. 23:15) Apostasy or falling away from the true faith certainly brought no blessings to Israel and Judah.
WildeLovercan someone direct me to that quote ?
i think it was back in the 80s?
i have looked and can't find it anywhere?.
hi all
can someone direct me to that quote ? i think it was back in the 80s? i have looked and can't find it anywhere?
it's late in my part of the world, so i'll keep this brief!.
i've just published an article on the attack by anonymous on the watch tower society.
a link to the article is below:.
brilliant work as ever Cedars :-)
i hate them all so much!
71 for dublin convention out of 9,500 approx at the special convention
"but when you spread a feast, invite poor people, crippled, lame, blind" - luke 14:13. .
convention rules for attending.
convention grounds - tour.
it will be horrific..............
british dubs are invited to attend a special convention next summer in dublin , irish republic.
o k, this kind of trip has been done many times before.
however i have never seen such a crude and rigid set of rules that would apply to their own people going on a trip, at their own expense of course.
the sisters can bunk together i bet but the brothers cant. they might be tempted to ride each other. i mean some of the angels couldn't keep their hands off the daughters of men so how can imperfect men keep their hands off the sons of men. Clearly brothers bunking together is not in line with scriptural thinking.
british dubs are invited to attend a special convention next summer in dublin , irish republic.
o k, this kind of trip has been done many times before.
however i have never seen such a crude and rigid set of rules that would apply to their own people going on a trip, at their own expense of course.
ooh, getting close now! can't wait
pm or email if you do.
Hi guys
all those links are now redundant it appears... any other locations to get a PDF version?