finally awake - The thing is, it's really hard to single out one religious group to go after. The government doesn't want to be seen as persecuting a particular religion. The witnesses are a large enough and old enough group, and they have the financial resources to fight the government if they are singled out. There just isn't a lot of political will to end the special tax treatment of religious groups.
@ finally awake, I started this thread to question whether the political climate has changed from the past to ask emotional questions of politicians. It appears that you feel that it has not and that the WTBTS would use its financial resources to fight the government. Does that mean that the WTBTS would lobby politicians before legislation is past or wait until legislation is law and then file a lawsuit? If the latter, there would be a lot more hurtles to overcome before any laws are enacted.
The biggest hurtle would be to convince politicians that dangerous cults hurt members of society, increase societal expenses, and should be excluded from receiving tax exemptions. The second hurtle would be to convince politicians/judges that excluding financial support for religious organizations, which are dangerous cults, does not conflict with freedom of religion in the Constitution. It seems like an impossible task to achieve, or is it the only desirable outcome?
If you think digitally like a JW (i.e., only two outcomes, good verses bad, win verses lose), the task is impossible. If you think that there could be more than two possibly outcomes, then maybe a desirable outcome is possible.
Although it would be great to pass a law to exclude dangerous cults from being tax exempt, I would be happy with a lot of debate about dangerous cults by Congress and coverage by news organizations to help educate American citizens of the dangers of being deceived and recruited by a dangerous cult. Just peaking people's curiosity about dangerous cults so they would want to learn about what they are and how to protect their children from them would be a good thing.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,