Hi Interestedone,
Yes I consider that a lie. The are being very deceptive in that statement. It's not one of the most blatant lies regarding this issue that they have printed, but it's a lie nonetheless.
You just need to tie together the linked satetments to see that it's a lie.
"The Kingdom had not come at thet time"..."There was a waiting period. For how long?"..."During the 19th century, sincere Bible students calculated that the waiting period would end in 1914."
They calculated that Jesus became King in 1874 and that the effects of this event would be felt on earth increasingly from that time onward, until 1914.
"World events that began in 1914 confirm that the calculation of these sincere Bible students was correct."
Utter lie. Their calculation was that Jesus become King in 1874, and that Armageddon would be over by 1914.
They know what they're saying is not true.