That "Approach" thing really feaked me out. Imagine ... you're walking along a road .... a car stops behind you ... a stranger jumps out and hurry's to catch up to you ....screeeeeemmmmm!! Who was the idiot who thought of that!
How's this for an infringement of PRIVACY? Heard this from a "bro" a few weeks ago. Seems when searching for new victims when doing apartments, any who do not answer the Buzzer, will have a didgital picture taken of the directory with their Names and suite number, which will be used to FIND their phone #!
Can you imagine what people going by, or see them from inside, THINK! Sheesh! Or what the poor woman who is hiding out from her abusive exboyfriend would think seeing this going on outside!
Do they ever think for one minute that IF "worldlies" want to read watchtowers .... they can go on the net. Oh silly me, they are forbidden to think!
Anyone else heard about this or using cell phones to track people down? Ugly ugly behavior. Much like stalking ... must be a law!