Vampire,...... no definately not 'chopped liver'!
from me, to you all.......
Vampire,...... no definately not 'chopped liver'!
here is a second email from ray sent just a few months before he passed away:.
dear daniel,.
i can sympathize with you in the feeling of a measure of uncertainty that you experience.
Curtains, thanks for bringing this back and broDan for sharing it in the first place.
Awesome letter! It ties up a lot of loose ends for me, especially about the trinity belief.
"I don't know." - now that could be a refreshing quote for the 'Years Text'!
at least i'm honest....
Oh geez Vampire, I just came back on, to apologize to you for sounding a bit snarky to a 'bud'! ...and there you are, ...and yes, that is my schtick(1 of them!). How clever of you to see that!
It's much too long a story! I do have some Red Hot buttons and think I am under attack when that might not be the case. Damn amygdala reptile brain anyway!
Thanks for caring. I'm off to work.
the following newspaper article appears to be the original (and more lengthy and indepth) article from which associated press took their "summarized" (and less informative) story which is being picked up by a number of television stations and newspapers across the u.s. .
this better version should be forwarded to media outlets as a more informative version for their audience.
they also embrace political neutrality.
So is this a new story or 4 yrs old!
at least i'm honest....
Now Vampy, what? I'm not supposed to comment on your words?
Sheeeesh I 'tried' for 45 yrs and did make a lot of friends, but you know how that's gonna turn out!!
As far as "liking me better" .... I didn't know this was a popularity contest!
the following newspaper article appears to be the original (and more lengthy and indepth) article from which associated press took their "summarized" (and less informative) story which is being picked up by a number of television stations and newspapers across the u.s. .
this better version should be forwarded to media outlets as a more informative version for their audience.
they also embrace political neutrality.
Neutral... my butt! Is there a more a blood thirsty "christian" organization!
All you have to do is just speak to 'the disfellowshipped' and you will be cast out too!
Which means you're condemed to DEATH. And their decision, will make God stop hearing your prayers! lol
They are so not neutral, that they would kill the 'disobedient' except that the Laws of the Land, stop them from doing so.
But their Shunning Policies still do kill ... family, friend, & business relationships. They affect where and how you live. They break to pieces your heart and leave you no hope of future life!
I wish the following quotes could be sent to every newspaper & magazine, not only in the U.S but in Canada also.
w5211/15p.703QuestionsfromReaders*** Inthecaseofwhereafatherormotherorsonordaughterisdisfellowshiped [disassociated],howshouldsuchpersonbetreatedbymembersofthefamilyintheirfamilyrelationship?—P.C.,Ontario,Canada. We are not living today among theocratic nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for apostasy from God and his theocratic organization, as was possible and was ordered in the nation of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai and in the land of Palestine. . . Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws. The law of the land and God’s law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship. However, God’s law requires us to recognize their being disfellowshiped from his congregation. ***w825/15pp.24-25HowYouMustAct!*** No enemy of Jehovah and of Christ the King will survive! The Bible here shows that the mighty ones of the earth—the rulers of the nations, the military leaders, the wealthy business magnates—and all who support them, whether conscripted or volunteers, will have to meet up with Jehovah’s judgment. They will have no way to flee! Their selfish schemes and efforts to preserve this old wicked system will fail. They will be forced to see that heaven’s favor is not upon them. | |
DannyHaszard |
Thanks Danny
at least i'm honest....
"I think the rule is that you have to have made several hunderd posts at least"
Oh oh.......does this mean that we are know still.......
'puttin in time'? hands over ears, running hell bent for leather
at least i'm honest....
Is that music I hear, ... the tinkle of the old ivories .....hey, smoke's gettin in my eyes now ....ooohhhh Boggie
Loren B
one secret to success is to follow the example set by previous successful people.
in neuro-linguistic programming this is called "modelling behavior.".
minimus has show himself to be a person of spectacular, virtual "overnight" success, but we all know this is a result of rigorous daily effort and a pathologically high level of self-esteem.. i crave the same rewards - sex, drugs, rock n' roll - that minimus has enjoyed, and to obtain them i am willing to cast off my previously humble reserved nature and indulge in blatant self-aggrandizement.
I am pretty small potatoes on here, but for what it's worth....I always read your posts!
is the doctrine of hell a hindrance or a help in witnessing?
many evangelicals are ashamed of this biblical doctrine, viewing it as a blemish to be covered up by the cosmetic of divine love.
but this dishonors gods word.
Deputy Dog,
Not sure I understood your point. The point I was trying to make is this: After you die .... you are either Righteous or Unrighteous.
If you are deemed Unrighteous you go to hell. Yes? If now you must suffer Hellfire will you feel it forever IF you are dead?
So then, if you are dead, God would have to bring you back to life. It would have to be Eternal Life, so that He could punish you & you could feel the pain forever! .......... BUT, it is only the Righteous that get Eternal Life not the UNRighteous.
Righteous = fullness of life
Unrighteous = nothing