Wow wow & wow!
I am gobsmacked. I am so enthused by all the brilliant reasoning & support you have given here ... my eyes seem to be tearing up, sincerely, thank you all. I can't wait to use it to help someone reason themselves right out of the borg!
Awakened - thanks for your honesty & help. As a matter of fact, I was afraid that's where I had to look next.
Paha - why didn't I think of that example, thank you!! Amazing what happens with a group 'think'.
T P T - 1 Cor3:5-9, I'm really thinking about it, so helpful. Thank you. Kept reading to the end vs23 "in turn you belong to Christ(not an organization); Christ in turn, belongs to God."(not gb). Glad you sent me there!
PSacramento - the idea of 'only one organization' is planted in our head so tight, bits of it stay stuck for quite a while. I realize at this moment, I had a little dissonance still, regarding this. Scary! Your words are a terrific antidote! Thanks for writing them:
"It is being spread by missionaries, by books, by TV and by the internet, by word of mouth and by example.
People in almost every country of the world hve acces to the bible ( in its many forms).
I have traveled a bit, though not as much as others here probably and I have yet to find a place where no one has heard of Jesus and God"
Ding - glad you hung on with me, thanks a lot.
I also kept on reading further in Rom ch10 ...vs 20. "I was found by those who were not seeking me; I became manifest to those who were not asking for me."
It is perfect! Thank you so much for sending me there again! Love the Russel quotes.
Darth - how nice you've come my rescue! Philip & the Eunich is such a good example. So if Jesus rebuked the apostle, 'help' isn't from an exclusive organization. Thanks Darth.
Yan Bibiyan - (love to know the roots of your avatar)
Great example Yan, wonderful. Many thanks for your thoughtfullness.