Looking forward to roasting a big fat stuffed turkey till all browned and yummy. Mashed potatoes and turkey gravy, omg.
West coast stuffing:
12 cups bread crumbs
2 lrge onions chopped
2 cps chopped celery
1 cp chopped parsley
Place in lge bowl, mix, - add 3 tble spoons sage, 2 tble spoons poultry seas. mix place in fridge overnite.
Xmas day, chop giblets(gizzard,heart,liver-neck& a bit of pork sausage) cover with water in pot, add pinch salt/pepper, 1 cp chop onion, 2 tbls poultry seasoning, simmer for an hour.
Add all this to the bread crumb mixture, stuff the bird, bake in hot oven for 1/2hr,turn heat to 350 degrees, roast till the legs are almost free. (depending on size 3-5 hrs)
After all this, for me, what I'm really after is the stuffing and the mashed spuds with turkey gravy!!!
Hard to get my mouth around this but .... merry christmas everyone,
oh yeah, .. and FloridaPerry you could open a door for me anytime, I don't startle easily.